Evening Novostroy.su: "Petroholod" demolish the sake of new buildings, another 800 thousand "squares" of housing will be built on the lash, and in which areas of St. Petersburg it is better to buy the first real estate in life


According to eyewitnesses, today they demolished at least half of the main workshop of Petroholod. Earlier, the location was interested in developers. Naming Vasilyevsky Island grows up on the new 162 hectares, there the LSR Group plans to build another 800 thousand square meters by 2034. meters housing. And the expert of the St. Petersburg real estate market told where it is better to acquire his first apartment. Read about these and other news in a digest of March 1.

On all ready. The demand for almost ready-made apartments grew by 10% in the company "Petersburg Real Estate". So in the 2020th of the order of 47% of transactions in the mass market segment, it was concluded with objects at a high stage of readiness (80%) or in excess projects. A year earlier, their share in the structure of demand was only 37%.

In business class, the demand for ready-made or almost finished apartments has grown over the year from 56% to 64%.

"Kotlovanov" at the same time, Petersburgers try to avoid. In the mass market, demand for new buildings at the start of construction fell from 31% to 22% per year, in business class - from 30% to 11%.

However, nothing surprising, the share of new projects in the city decreased in 2020 by quarter. The market was replenished only by 2.65 million new square meters. meters.

Maja in front. Heavy technique began dismantling the main workshop of the former Petroholod enterprise on the Polyvdrovsky Prospect, 87, reports NSP. Who carries out work, it remains unclear, the passport of the object at the place of demolition is not.

The platform of about 6 hectares has long been interested in developers, noted in the publication. She was going to sell from trading a year ago, but the competitive managing enterprise canceled them at the last moment. It was then appreciated in a billion rubles. Here you can build about 100 thousand square meters. Comfort class meters. Previously, however, it will have to translate the land from the industrial status in the residential - that the case of technology. According to NSP, the territory of Petroholod plans to acquire one of the major developers, which is already working in the area. However, the transaction has not yet been concluded.

Castles on sands. In St. Petersburg, public hearings began on the project of the Naming Territory of Vasileostrovsky District. It is about creating a new area of ​​162.8 hectares. The rights to future territories belong to the LSR Group.

"In September 2020, the LSR Group acquired the rights to raise high-altitude marks and the subsequent development of the northern part of the Vasilyevsky Island of St. Petersburg. It is assumed that direct work on raising high-rise marks can take from 3-4 years. On the territory will be built a residential complex of the business class, with a living area of ​​about 800 thousand square meters. meters. The estimated deadline for the entire project is 2034, "the press service of the LSR Group reported.

Now, as analysts noted, the value of the "square" in new buildings on the Namoya of Vasilyevsky Island is 130 thousand rubles.

But its own. To purchase the first real estate in St. Petersburg, according to the analyst "Benua", it is most advisable to navigate the purchase of housing in locations closer to the outskirts of the city, but at the same time distinguished by good transport accessibility.

"Locations are considered the most comfortable location at the subway. Today in St. Petersburg metro in 1-2 stops or a 15-minute walk is considered excellent location. Accordingly, the farther from the subway than is not more convenient to reach it, the cheaper accommodation. Prices for some new buildings around the KAD today are the same, and sometimes higher than prices for apartments in the houses of the Soviet buildings. Lovers of new buildings can pay attention to the suburb of St. Petersburg in the north - the city of Murino, which is successfully located at the Metro "Devyatikino". In the south, the active construction is in Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg in Shushary, but here it is necessary to reach 10-15 minutes by bus to the subway. In both locations there is an active development. There is a large selection of apartments on the primary and secondary markets. Apartments for every taste: Studios, EuroVushkushka, full-fledged big "treshki," says Dmitry Shchechelsky, President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate, General Director of the Real Estate Agency "Benua".

True, you should not forget that from the first apartment sooner or later you will have to get rid of, and sell housing in problem due to a lack of social infrastructure Shushary can be problematic.

Old new CCM. The project of ice isna Instead of the collapsible sports and concert complex (CKK), the Petersburg "Petersburg" was expertise, reported in the press service of the SKA Arena project.

As noted, the ice arena is designed as the largest in the world. The building will be higher than the collapsed CCM - 53.7 meters (against the former 40). The maximum high-altitude mark will be 60 meters. The complex provides more than 100 VIP-lies, a fitness center, catering. Complete Construction is assumed to October 2022, in order to take the World Hockey Championship matches in 2023.

Recall that the demolition of the CCM caused a protest of ceremonic at the beginning of 2020: they demanded to assign a security status to the stadium, and during the dismantling of the roof one of the workers died. The accusation was presented to the contractor.

Evening Novostroy.su:
Another 800 thousand "squares" of housing will be built on the Namoya Vasilyevsky Islands

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