Illusion of work: why staff prefer to prefer to do what they are busy and what to do with it

Illusion of work: why staff prefer to prefer to do what they are busy and what to do with it 2555_1

American economist John Kennene Galbreit considered: "Meetings are completely indispensable if you want to do anything." Back in 2018, the London company STL Microsoft Training conducted a study that revealed that an average of 207 meetings in a year 67% are unproductive. This is happening because most workers prefer to solve real tasks to demonstrate beautiful graphs and presentations. Such a simulation of activity is most often associated with a long-standing habit and emotional distance between employees and bosses. Hence the question arises: how to identify that the employee avoids responsibility and make him a productive activity? With this we helped figure out

- Psychologist, business mentor and expert on the work of belief. Egor is the author of more than 10 training programs on personal development and organizer of events with the participation of Russian, as well as foreign politicians and businessmen. Egor helps to work out beliefs using its own highly efficient techniques, which confirms the absolute majority of its customers.

In fact, most people like to create the visibility of success. This habit is usually laid in childhood: in the process of forming the personality of the child always takes an example from an adult and tries to imitate him. Trying to repeat the behavioral mechanism of an adult, he identifies himself with him and this way self-affects. The child seeks to show its significance and independence.

On the one hand, this is a good way to develop abilities. However, at the same time, a person remembers the wrong scheme: to seem successful, it is quite skillfully pretending. Parents, in turn, encourage the child's copy of their behavior. Adults praise him, because he understood how to do "right." But thus, parents or teachers unconsciously form another pattern from the child: if you think that you can do everything, you will praise. At an early age, people do not think about it, but remember how to get approval. A man grows and lives, guided by the principles laid down in childhood. As a result, people continue to create the visibility of success and during study, and at work.

When a person matures, the thrust of knowledge weakens, but the habit of let dust remains in the eye. And if his real victories is not enough, the protective mechanism is turned on, which avoids the "incompleteness complex". A person pretends that he worms not to twist hands and he likes it.

In addition, the need to pretend additionally stimulate society and constantly emerging problems. In such a situation, the habit of imitating becomes a way to preserve internal equilibrium. Create visibility turns out to be much easier than to take for new complex tasks.

At work, such a model of behavior is quite explained. The most valuable for most employees is stability, security and money. In order not to lose the place, the employees need to constantly prove that they are meaningful for the team. In addition, visible employment saves from unnecessary responsibility and need to compete. Often, people themselves begin to believe in their own lies and believe that they actually happen in the sweat of the face. This does not mean that such employees are bad. There are two main reasons for such behavior: the desire to like everyone who has arisen in childhood and the fear of instability and risks.

When the heads of large companies are addressed to me to work out the motivation of personnel and withdraw their organization to a new level of income, we first analyze the reasons for the effectiveness of employees' work efficiency, why they simulate employment. At the next stage, we build an individual program to solve a specific problem. I will give as examples some of the techniques that I recommend to my customers:

To stop pretending himself

If in your team, most employees prefer to imitate the workload, most likely, you yourself just create the visibility of success. This can be expressed in excessive demanding and in emotional distance from the collective. Employees easily read such behavior, and the head itself becomes the hostage of his own image. First you need to establish communication with subordinates. Do not be afraid to break the subordination, because of this, the staff will not start you less.

Understand that everyone is intended to pretend

If your subordinate is the only way to encourage - salary, they have no desire to evolve. Why apply 45% effort if money pay and 40%? The primary need for financial stability is closed, so it is not necessary to strain. The human brain likes to save forces at the maximum. The supervisor needs to understand the inner and external motivation of each employee. It will help to cope with this task of geymification technique, additional corporate education, psychological and commander-forming trainings, as well as advanced training programs.

Practice informal communication with employees

Each employee, as I said, is waiting for encouraging from an authoritative personality for him. He wants to show you that he is an adult and successful. Therefore, if you communicate with employees on an equal footing, even if you consider the hierarchy, they will have a desire to follow you. Moreover, subordinates will work more productively when you understand that you are able to appreciate them. There will be a strong motivation that does not depend exclusively on the money.

The problem of modern society is that many people played in their roles and became hostages of this performance. If you want to become successful, and not only seem like this, you need to be humane in relation to others. In addition, it is important to always show your uniqueness. Be sincere in dealing to new people and the opportunity to appear on your way. You and yourself will be more interesting with yourself if you stop pretending. Just staying by yourself, you can come to a full and successful life.

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