Strawberry care after completion of harvesting to increase fruction


    Good afternoon, my reader. To obtain abundant harvest, the aromatic berries need to provide plants systematic care. For example, on strawberry ridges, it will be necessary even after harvesting to provide several important proceedings for future fruction.

    Strawberry care after completion of harvesting to increase fruction 2554_1
    Strawberry care After completing the harvest to increase fruction Maria Verbilkova

    For 15-20 days, it is recommended to be strongly disturbed by poning strawberry bushes. During this period, you can safely remove weary grass.

    We also spend the audit of the mustache. The most healthy and strong copies with already developed roots digging off, cutting off the sektor from the parent plant. Then they are transplanted into the pre-prepared small pots filled with loose fertile soil. The remaining mustache is cut.

    Roots of plants that ended with active fruiting will be useful to obtain a sufficient amount of air.

    To this end, the soil loosening is practiced, dipping in parallel bushes of strawberries that remain the next season. It is necessary to remove the dried, too large, affected leaves. To update the landing, you can completely seize, and then dispose of all the old foliage.

    Strawberry care after completion of harvesting to increase fruction 2554_2
    Strawberry care After completing the harvest to increase fruction Maria Verbilkova

    For berry plants, it is important to ensure the timely use of drugs warning the development of various diseases. The spraying of strawberry varieties bordeaux (1%) liquid will help.

    If there were signs of certain infections on the flowering or fruiting on the strawberry, the drugs focused on the elimination of this problem were selected:

    • From white spotting well helps "PhytoPorin-M". It will be necessary to dissolve in 10 liters of water 15 ml of concentrate. Use such a solution and to prevent the appearance of gray rot.
    • From the strawberry and malinous weevil is successfully used by Insecticide "Fufanon-Nova" (22 ml / 20 l). A good result demonstrates "Alatar", which will require 5 ml on a 4-liter water container.
    • From the pylineer, strawberry plants should be used to spray "Fufanon Nova" (required 10 ml / 10 l). "Bitoksisillin" will help (dissolved in 10 liters of water 100 g of powdered biopreparation).

    Some gardeners believe that moisture will not need to be froning with strawberry bushes.

    To ensure the next season of abundant harvest, it is important under a strawberry, which ended with fruiting, contribute to potassium chloride (5-10 g), combined with ammonium sulfate (10-15 g) and superphosphate (10-20 g). This volume is designed for a square meter.

    Strawberry care after completion of harvesting to increase fruction 2554_3
    Strawberry care After completing the harvest to increase fruction Maria Verbilkova

    In the fall, it is recommended to use "Ammophos" (30 g / m2). A good effect during this period is a bird litter, diluted with 1:20 rescued water. After a two-day insteading, the tool waters ground between the plants, avoiding droplets from entering the leaves.

    A cowboy solution is suitable for 1:10 proportion. Pour after a daily insisting in a liter under each bush.

    In the late decade of October, the plants scatter wood ashes (1 cup / m2).

    Late in the fall, it is advisable to examine the landing of strawberries. Remove the remaining dry leaves.

    Strawberry with competently organized and timely care will please the rich harvest incredibly fragrant with excellent flavor of berries.

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