These multicacies can block the movement of trains. But how do they manage it?


Every 8 years, some Japanese trains are forced to stop moving, because thousands of multi-ninexies crawl into railways. This usually happens in two mountainous areas and scientists could not understand for a long time why this is what happens. In 1972, studying this phenomenon in 1972 (Keiko Niijima) was engaged in the study. For almost 50 years, he came to the YatsUgatak mountain range and the Yanagisawa trail to study Multaloneg's trains interfering. In some cases, he had to dig up from a depth of 20 centimeters so that as much as possible to study their life cycle as much as possible. It turned out, throughout the life, these creations pass through 7 stages of mature and on the last of them are chosen on the surface. At the same time, they almost do not move and fill the surface of rails so that trains have to stop to avoid the catastrophe.

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Tiny creatures can stop the train and they do not even know about it

Development of Multonyogen

The results of a long study were shared by Scientific Edition of Science Alert. Multicacies, which periodically deliver challenges problems, belong to the type of Parafontaria Laminata Armigera. The length of their body is average equal to 3 centimeters. In the course of studying these creatures, the researcher Caiko Nijdzima found out that it takes 7 years to move from the state of the egg to an adult individual. Another year they are in the ripening stage.

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Collected scientists Multicozza

In the course of studying the collected individuals, they managed to find out that most of their lives are carried out under the ground, and only matured to the surface. This is usually happening in September or October. But it all depends on the place of their habitat.

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Approximately such a picture can be observed on some Railways of Japan

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the multicacies most often appear on the territory of the Mountainside Yatsugatak and the Troop of Yanagisawa. To reach the surface at the beginning of autumn, sometimes these creatures need to break through about 50 meters of land. It so happened that they crawl into rails and thereby create dangerous conditions. Their slippery bodies may well lead to trains congress from rails. Catastrophes for this reason have not happened yet. Perhaps as once, due to the fact that trains drivers stop in time.

Do you know that in 2016 scientists have discovered a new type of multi-ninexic in which 414 pairs of legs?

Problems of railroad workers

In winter, terrible in the form of creation fell into the hibernation. At the beginning of the spring, they are copulating and by the end of the summer females are laying from 400 to 1000 eggs. Adults perish and leave the place with a new generation. This cycle is repeated every 8 years, with which the frequency of problems on the railway tracks of Japan is associated. And these difficulties arise for a long time. During the study of historical documents, it was found that thousands of multiodons were noticed even in 1910.

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Because of multiodions, trains can get off the rail. So they need to be careful

How can I fight these creatures, is not said anywhere. It is not a fact that they will be trained by chemicals. Yes, and the likelihood that the other railway track will be laid due to multiodons, very small. To the big fortune, the problem is relevant only once every 8 years. By the time of the placement of multi-ninexes on the surface can be prepared in advance. Also probably have the opportunity to make the resettlement of arthropods.

Unusual animals

Scientists are most interested in what the many of the many few people have such a long development period. In addition to their similar life cycle have cycada from the genus MagiciDa. They appear on the light with an interval of 13 or 17 years. They were first described in 1758 by the Swedish scientist Karl Linnaem (Carl Linnaeus). Usually these unusual creatures with reddish wings can be found in the United States and Canada.

These multicacies can block the movement of trains. But how do they manage it? 2539_5
Cicada from the genus Magicada

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Now you know about the existence of 3-centimeter multi-ninexes that can stop a whole train. But there are other creatures in the world that can affect the organisms much larger than themselves. For example, in the second half of 2020, I told about the most severe Goliathus Zhukov (Goliathus). The length of their body can reach 12 centimeters, and the mass is 27 grams. This is an insect more and heavier the cartridge of the Kalashnikov machine gun, so if he hit the human head - it will not seem little. You can learn more about this huge beetle and see his photos in this link.

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