20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second


Pregnancy and childbirth are among the most important and very intimate events in the life of any woman. But not the Queen in the Epoch of the Middle Ages or even a new time. As soon as it became clear that the vengeial feature was pregnant, she no longer belonged to himself and turned into a mechanism for the ideal tooling and the birth of the heir to the throne. The Queen was under unreasonable and often absurd control and was obliged to follow the ridiculous rules.

We in adme.ru decided to look into the archives to understand what had to go through the queens, which, according to the simple people, was lighter than all.

Ideas about physiology were very weak

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_1
© FRANS Van Mieris The Elder / Wikimedia

  • In the Middle Ages, monks as the most educated representatives of the Company were the main ongoing pregnancy and childbirth. But they did not understand anything in women's anatomy, and many of them were generally seen a woman at the time when they were asked for help. Therefore, their advice (and they even wrote manuals by childbirth) were absurd.
  • For example, it was believed that the sex of the child could change during pregnancy. And the better the woman behaves: it does not allow bad thoughts, drinking herbs champs, sleeps in a certain pose, looks at beautiful paintings, the higher the chance that the men's heir be born, designed to continue the dynasty. If the girl appeared in the end, the queen listened to many reproaches in unsophisticated behavior.
  • Later, approximate women were responsible for the feminine: Freillins, obstacles. Fraulils did not make any special requirements, they had to just take care of the queen. But the obstacles treated strictly. They were obliged to provide a list of the women in women who helped, and sign the document that they would not try to endure anything from the royal bedroom. For example, a placenta.
  • When a scientific understanding of what processes and complications can occur during pregnancy and childbirth, men's doctors began to be allowed to the women in labor.
  • However, other difficulties began. Royal doctors should have diagnosed to the touch, because they had no right to look at the guinea. They had to close their eyes or tie them.

However, the pressure was not only for women

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_2
© Johann Zoffany / Wikipedia.

King of Great Britain and Ireland Georg LLL with Queen Charlotte and their 6 children.

  • The pregnancy of the monarch of the person was perceived as a reflection of cases in the kingdom: if something did not go wrong during the tooling of the child, it was believed that this testifies to the not too correct deeds of the king, the balance of the balance in his affairs and thoughts.
  • The pregnancy was part of the royal duties that had to do both women and men. The king had no right to be a bachelor, and if the genus was interrupted because of his unhealthy, it was considered the interference of the Higher Forces.
  • The ability to endure and give birth to the heirs gave the Queen more power. And the more children were, the greatest influence as the queen-mother she had.

Korolev had a strange "pregnancy vacation", which they were carried out in imprisonment

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_3
© élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun / Wikipedia

Queen of Maria-Antoinette with children.

  • What is the most dangerous for the feminine? Poor food, antisanitary, cold in the palace? No, the most dangerous for a woman 1-2 months before delivery was considered daylight and fresh air. Therefore, the queen was moved to a stuffy room with tight closed curtains. In the bedroom it was possible to hang tapestries with idyllic landscapes. All this was done in order to calm the future mother. Such a room was a kind of imitation of the head of the mother. The future monarch was to be born in perfectly comfortable conditions.
  • The room has always supported a live fire, on the floor scattered fresh herbs.
  • In the same room, the queen was supposed to draw up a testament. This today at the midwives in the first place is the life of the mother. In ancient times, only the life of the heir was considered an important thing, and the woman was just a vessel for her to wear.
  • When the contractions began, women around did a symbolic "opening" to facilitate the state of the feminine. For example, opened the door of the cabinets, pulled out hairpins from the hair. During the fights, the feminine could offer to hold the creamy oil in their hands, on which the magical combinations of numbers and letters were written, - to protect the fetus.
  • In the XVII century, the cesarean section has already been practiced, but it was done in extreme cases, because there was a very high probability of the death of a woman due to improper technology.

Births turned into a real show

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_4
© Vijle Lebedd, Marie Elizabeth Louise / Wikipedia

Queen of Maria-Antoinetta.

  • Loneliness and peace in the last periods of pregnancy were poorly combined with what the queen was to be subjected to during childbirth. She could not stay alone with midwives: the process was watched behind the process. These specials were to confirm that the Queen really gave birth to the child, which was shown to the public.
  • All the courtiers were going to the royal childbirth. For convenience, they climbed furniture, and the queen was able to make a baby in light, as far as possible in such conditions. When the Queen of France Maria-Antoinette was given in, 200 people were present in her bedroom. The king even ordered special cords to fasten the tapestries around the queen's bed so that they would accidentally thwart the crowd.

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_5

  • Interestingly, this tradition (strongly modified) has been preserved until the XX century. Over the birth of Elizabeth LL followed the Minister of Internal Affairs of Great Britain. True, he was behind the door of the room, where she was giving birth. According to the rules and in the birth of Elizabeth, LL was to be attended by a stranger man, but she abolished this law in 1948, when she was pregnant with Prince Charles.

The queen "with character" in the middle of the XIX century

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_6
© George Hayter / Wikipedia

Queen Victoria in his youth.

  • Modern anesthesia in childbirth we owe Queen of Victoria. She first did not argue with what the pain should tolerate, and demanded something to do with it. The doctor suggested anesthesia with an inhalation of the appropriate drug, and she agreed, although the method was completely not studied.
  • The anesthesia was contracted with church teachings, but the religious queen really insisted on it. It is interesting that it demanded to relieve pain it only during the birth of the 8th and 9th child (she gave birth to 9 children). With her filing on anesthesia during childbirth, a real boom began, women demanded it from doctors.

The queen could not nurse themselves and feed the baby immediately after delivery

20+ facts about how they treated pregnancy behind the doors of the royal palaces. A modern woman would have given nerves in a second 2507_7
© Unidentified Painter / Wikipedia

Anna Austrian with the sons of Louis and Philip.

  • About the applied to the chest did not go and speech: Milk only gave birth was considered harmful. Therefore, the child took the mother-in-law as a representative of the king family, which he now belonged to the heir. If a girl was born, she was not so important and could spend more time with his mother.
  • The baby was found in advance the feeder and took from the mother also because they wanted him to be infected with anything. After all, complications after birth often did not connect with the unsanitary, and it was believed that this was a natural "unclean" state that a woman should survive.
  • When a woman came to himself, she could at will take part in the process of care for the child and his upbringing, but still the lion's share of work was serving.

We are a little shocked by royal customs. Did you hear about such nuances of the birth of vengeons? Maybe you know the strange traditions that we did not mention?

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