Amendments to the law on cadastral activities will solve problems in hundreds of SNT

Amendments to the law on cadastral activities will solve problems in hundreds of SNT 2506_1

At the end of March, in Russia, the amendments to the Law on Cadastral Activities will enter into force, which will solve problems in hundreds of SNT. Earbing the Earth will be easier and more convenient. In addition, changes in the law on gardeners and gardeners are preparing. We are talking about the fate of abandoned sites and the possibility of remotely hold meetings of owners in SNT.

Errors in cadastral calculations are very often found. All because earlier engineers plots were measured on the eye, and when the work began to spend using satellite equipment, problems began. Often, these errors led to conflicts that ended with a fight or even a shootout.

Often, new owners will not be able to register their sections until the entire village is anew. But comprehensive cadastral works, that is, throughout SNT, can only be ordered by the municipality, but local authorities are reluctant to spend budget money on dacities. Therefore, each gardener should personally call the engineer.

Fedor Mezentsev, Executive Director of the Union of Dachniks Moscow region: "It is clear that there will be a dachank, which will say that we do not want to pay the second time for the same interview, someone is not necessary for someone, someone has a blank plot, who "There is no money, but there are generally abandoned sections, so it's quite difficult to agree on SNT."

New changes to legislation will retreat from cadastral data under certain conditions.

Nikita Chaplin, First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, Chairman of the Union of Dachniks Moscow Region: "This is the right of ours at the expense of SNT or the group of SNT, several SNT, and even several neighbors to form a land plot, form it again, to fix technical errors, intersecting Before that in cadastral records. We do not need everyone to hire a cadastral engineer, but you can throw off a group of neighbors or all SNTs. "

Another change in favor of Dachnikov - for 5 years, the so-called dacha amnesty has been extended for buildings. That is, there is still time to register a country house for simplifying.

But the main events are ahead. Rosreestr and social activists developed a set of amendments to the law on gardeners and gardeners. If they are taken, it will be easier to get rid of abandoned sites, establish communications in SNT, and meetings and voting can be carried out on the Internet or SMS.

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