What are the TV shows from March 2021?: "Queen Bombay" and "The One. Only"

What are the TV shows from March 2021?:
What are the series to watch from March 2021? Poster serial "The One. The only"

We continue to acquaint you with the innovations of the serials of the production of different countries of the world. The benefit of the existence of Netflix or Amazon cutting services gives us the opportunity to watch the TV shows, bypassing the TV, with the help of the Internet, fencing yourself from troubles like a long and painful expectation of the next series. Today there is an overview of the serials from India and the UK.

"Queen Bombay"

Indian women directed by Bornil Chatterji ("Hungry") and Alannica Sriivastava ("lipstick under my parangy") presented on the Netflix channel 6 hour episodes of the first season of his dramatic series Akrat on March 8 as a gift to cute ladies.


Old as the world: we will see the story of five Indian women and their difficult path in the cruel financial world of modern Mumbai. "Queen Bombay" is the status in society whom women seek to achieve, for what, in fact, breaking their heads to the most baked business quarters of Mumbai with its anti-immoral values ​​and criminal outstanding.

Each of these women has its own dream. Some of them born to edit. Someone only in dreams sees himself on the throne, and in real life suffers from acute insecurity. And someone, like the true Queen, remains the heroine for everyone, smiling through the pain. Each of the five of these women is worth being the queen. But is one purposefulness enough to achieve what you dream if you are a woman in India?


The main roles played wonderful Indian actresses of varying degrees of fame:

  • Actress of Indian-Scottish-Armenian-Burmese origin, which is also a screenwriter, and a director, and the artist - an amazing, unique Puja Bhatt (the star of such projects, as Tammann and the "pain of soul");
  • The stunning beauty of Shahan Goswami, who played in the projects "Made to Bangladesh" and "You are my Sunday";
  • Charming Amrut Subhash, Star of Projects "Guy of Ghetto" and "Sacral Games";
  • Plabeite Borthakur from "Lipstick under my parant";
  • Aadha Anand, a little-known actress, which, undoubtedly, has great potential.
What are the TV shows from March 2021?:
Poster series "Queen Bombay" Photo: kinopoisk.ru

Modern Indian TV series is a spectacle that is very different from the fact that we are used to associate with Indian cinema. Most of the TV projects, especially those like this - that is, who laid an extreme Netflix eye, are removed in the active participation of English producers, so it is quite possible to talk about a new level and quality of Indian serial projects.

"The One. Only"

On March 12, a fantastic thriller manufactured by Great Britain started, created by Netflix producers based on John Marce's novel "The One. Only". The service will be represented until one season consisting of eight episodes.


Who read the book, he knows that the plot is not that the new (there was already similar), but very interesting and exciting.

Imagine that scientists invented a method for human DNA to determine his perfect pair. True, the only love of his life. Would you like to go through such a test and find out who is the person who is intended to you by nature? And what if a person who has been near you for many years already with you, whom you love with all your heart and consider the only love of your life, is not the only one? And what if he is the same, the only one, but not yours?

In this equation too many unknown, so that the human heart and the brain can cope. This demonstrates the series on the example of five pairs, which fell out the result of the coincidence of the gene of ideal compatibility.


The project has a stunning multinational and very genrely motley composition.

The series starred such actors like Hannah Uur ("Treason") Stephen Campbell Moore ("War of the Worlds"), Olivia Chengney ("Poolenproof", "Beowulf"), Lois Camimba ("Trust me"), Alban Zheronim "Vikings" ), Pallawie Shada ("My name is Khan"), Eric Kofi-Abref ("Sherlock"), Zoe Tapper ("Hotel Babylon"), Amir El Mari ("Tirant"), and many others.

In the director's team - Jeremy Lavring, who worked on Sherlock and Dr. Austin, Katrin Morshad (Dounton Abbey) and Brady Hood ("leader").

This is a very interesting premiere, she certainly deserves your attention.

And this, of course, not all serial novelties of March, so do not switch!

To be continued…

Author - Marina Oparin

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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