The project to study the languages ​​of indigenous peoples is implemented in Ugra

The project to study the languages ​​of indigenous peoples is implemented in Ugra 24945_1
The project to study the languages ​​of indigenous peoples is implemented in Ugra

Representatives of the Children's EthnCountural Center "Lylyn Union" in Khanty-Mansiysk presented the educational project "The language of my people".

Events will be held throughout the year. They will introduce Ugra with the native languages ​​of the peoples of Khanty and Mansi, life and culture.

"Not only great events are planned: exhibitions, contests, theatrical concerts, but also chamber, mobile, designed for a small circle of participants. An example of this, the project "Culture of the people in a suitcase", when the Center employees leave for enterprises, universities or schools with a mobile excursion, which helps to plunge into culture and native language, "said the director of the center of Irina Kibkalo.

Such excursions are in demand. Among the participants of the first event are students-journalists of the Ugra State University.

"I was born and grew up in Kazakhstan, I came to study to Ugra, and culture, and the language and customs of this region came to me. In addition, as a future journalist, this is necessary for work, so I gladly learned the first words on the Khanty language: "Hello", "Thank you", "My name is Nastya," said the student of the fourth year year Anastasia Belush.

The project was supported by representatives of the regional headquarters of the ONF in Ugra. As the co-chairman of the organization, Vladimir Merkushev, noted, now this topic is extremely relevant. If there is less than a hundred people in the language, he dies. Therefore, it is important that it is passed.

"In order for the native language of the title peoples to organically enter the use of all Ugra, generally accepted phrases in the Khanty and Mansiysk languages ​​should accompany us much more often: on the streets of cities, at airports and train stations, on road signs, sending residents and guests to attractions, - Vladimir Merkushev believes.

He reported that such a proposal will sound on February 25 at a meeting of the round table "The language of the people of my ...". It will discuss the concept of events on the eve of the international decade of the languages ​​of indigenous peoples announced from 2022.

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