Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s

Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_1
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_2
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_3
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_4
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_5
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_6
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_7
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_8
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_9
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_10
Lovely Tlen. The photographer captured the abandoned Soviet country, filled with artifacts from the 60s 24917_11

Abandoned, but at the same time fully preserved their situation at home, - by no means news for England. We told about them more than once. With the finds of this kind on the territory of the post-Soviet space, everything is more complicated (according to tradition, if something is left unattended, he is attached to his legs). But not for someone looking for. Moscow photographer Alexander Sukharev continues his travels on the "abandonment". The other day, the young man got out in the suburbs, where he captured the cottage, long left by his owners. To follow Alexander projects in Twitter and Instagram.

Lovely Tlen, time capsule, Soviet artifacts warehouse, ready-made museum of the life of the 60-70s - for this cottage you can pick up a lot of items. A striking place that fascinates and attracts. Only to look at the books and magazines to be pretty a lot of time.

As Alexander told Onliner, the shooting took place in the Big Dacha Array in the suburbs. Once in this beautiful place, plots "different influential people" were allocated. The preservation of this specifically forgotten by the owners of the house is explained by the fact that he is hidden from the eyes of the majority (and who of the influential people did not love privacy), besides, enthusiasts look after the object without interfering with his life.

- remove the exiled residential buildings for a long time boring. It seems to be removed, only in chaos. Absolutely no creative component. Just came and removed. This time we found themselves on a long forgotten dacha. A bit littered for one corner and with a huge number of Soviet artifacts. Place, full atmosphere, but very difficult to shoot, says Alexander.

Answering a question, whether the "Posanova" frame creates, the young man clarifies: "Chess stood as I saw them (perhaps someone set before). Skates, I pulled out from under the table and put them on the battery for the light (probably you can say about them). "

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