Experts Atlantic Council announced ways to Ukraine to win US favors


Experts Atlantic Council announced ways to Ukraine to win US favors 24879_1

The Atlantic Council Center analyzed the relationship between Ukraine and the United States. His experts called ways as the Ukrainian government could gain the favor of Washington.

New policy of Ukraine

After the so-called "revolution of dignity", Ukraine has sharply changed the strategy of its development. The western orientation has come to replace multipletecturally in foreign policy connections. However, all efforts to like the United States and the European Union did not bring Kiev the desired result. So, complex relations were among previous presidents of both countries, Peter Poroshenko and Donald Trapma. Experts of the American Analytian Center Atlantic Council tried to figure out what to go to the authorities of Ukraine to win the favor of the White House.

Signal for Zelensky

First of all, the Specialists of the Atlantic Council Center pay attention to the recent decision on restrictions on the Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky. This, confident analysts, is a kind of sign for Vladimir Zelensky from his American colleague. By the way, the Sixth President of Independent Ukraine has already expressed consent and support for these sanctions. This is despite the fact that Kolomoisky and the Motherland fell into opal during the former head of the state. Moreover, it was his media that at one time helped Zelensky to take the main post of the country.

Requirements of west

What to expect further from the current president, show the requirements from the West. So, among them there is freedom of pricing for gas until the end of March. Also, Ukraine is obliged at least for the next couple of years to coordinate its macroeconomic indicators and complete a full-fledged judicial reform. At the same time, the introduction of criminal liability for lies in the tax returns of officials, and to improve the legislation on the work of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau will be improved. It is worth noting, now the draft law on tightening for the provision of incorrect information in declarations is filed in the Verkhovna Rada.

Nationalization or investment?

It is also worth considering the government and office of the President of Ukraine the need to develop a different approach to investment. Foreign companies will not invest Finance in Ukrainian enterprises, if the state does not provide them with protection. Meanwhile, at the last meeting of the Council of National Security and Defense, it was decided to nationalize the Motor Sich plant, one of the most promising in the country. According to "

"The Government of China has already expressed its discontent about this, because it is the PRC businessmen invested in the Zaporizhia enterprise a considerable investment.

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