Whom Vladimir Putin whiten, Joe Biden and other state leaders

Whom Vladimir Putin whiten, Joe Biden and other state leaders 24826_1

Four years later, pets will appear in the White House - two German shepherds Major and the champion of the new American leader Joe Bayden.

We offer to look at the Pets of the first persons world states

Four years later, pets will appear in the White House - two German shepherds Major and the champion of the new American leader Joe Bayden. His predecessor Donald Trump interrupted a long-term tradition and did not start pets. Many other world leaders also have pets.

Dogs Joe Biden
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Photo: © RBC

Currently, Joe Bayden has two dogs. The new American president still in childhood there were dogs of such a breed. Shortly before Biden became the vice-president 12 years ago, he had a champion. Interestingly, the name he was chosen not by chance. Joseph Biden's father always told him "Get up the champion," if he felt depressed. Major is much younger - he fell into the Bayden family in 2018. He was taken in the shelter for homeless dogs of the Delaware Humanistic Association.

Dogs Vladimir Putin
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Vladimir Vladimirovich loves dogs very much. Back in 1999, his ex-wife Lyudmila bought Tosu's Tosya. And after Tosi, Puppy Rodeo was born. But the most famous president's dog was Labrador Koni. Her in 2000 presented to the president, at that time he held the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu. In 2014, Koni died.

After negotiations on the South Stream gas pipeline in 2010, the Prime Minister Bulgaria Boyko Borisov presented the President of the Bulgarian Shepherd's Puppy. Her name was chosen through an open contest. The competition won the five-year Dima Sokolov, who offered to call the dog Buffy.

And in December 2016, Putin showed Japanese journalists a YUME dog. In 2012, Her Putin presented the Japanese Akit Prefecture. The Akita Inu Breed was recognized by the National Guests of Japan.

Dogs Barack Obama
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In the family of former American president, Barack Obama live two Portuguese Water Dogs Sunny and Bo.

Dogs, Cats and Cow George Bush
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George W. Bush has three dogs, a cat and even a cow that lives on a ranch in Texas. One of his dogs Scottish terrier Barney died at the age of 12 in 2013. Barney was near Bush for eight years in the White House. According to Bush, he never discussed politics and was always a faithful friend.

Labrador Francois Hollando
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Former president of France Francois, Oldlande presented a Labrador puppy in 2014. Such a gift presented the Montreal Veterans Foundation, during the meeting of the President to Canada. Ollando called the dog in honor of Philai spacecraft. Not long before such a gift, this spacecraft landed on the surface of Churyumova-Gerasimenko.

Maltese Bologna Jacques Shirac
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Maltese Bologna named Sumo was another former French president of Jacques Shirac. In 2009, they said that after Chirac left the presidency, the dog became aggressive and three times the host host in a short period of time. After that, the dog was sent to a farm into one of the French villages.

Cats, Indoant and other animals Alexander Lukashenko
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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko loves all animals. Back in 2016, Lukashenko told about his pets. He lives not only three cats, but also many other animals. The president has three cats, 25 gooshads, chickens are ordinary and Chinese, ducks, indulges, ostriches, turkey and ten rabbits. From his words, they used to be more, but he distributed them. As the Belarusian president assures, he himself does not eat them. In addition, Lukashenko has 8 sheep, cows, goats and horses. And his dogs have four: German Shepherd, Labrador and two huskies.

Corgi Queen Elizabeth
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Elizavete the second in 18 years old gave the first corgi. A dog nicknamed Susan lived for 15 years. For all the time the British Queen had about 30 dogs.

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