Upgraded educational and combat aircraft received Kazakhstan Air Force


Upgraded educational and combat aircraft received Kazakhstan Air Force

Upgraded educational and combat aircraft received Kazakhstan Air Force

Almaty. 11th of March. KazTAG - upgraded educational and combat aircraft received Kazakhstani air force, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

"In the Educational and Aviation Center for Air Defense Forces of Kazakhstan in the city of Balkhash, training and combat aircraft L-39 arrived. As part of the state defense order agreement, at the end of last year, they were sent to the manufacturer, where overhaul and modernization were held, "the report says on Thursday.

As it is specified, during the modernization of airplanes, a new digital avionics, a catapulting system, communications and objective controls were installed.

"L-39 is designed for the initial training of cadets technique of piloting in simple and complex meteors, day and night, learning elements of combat use, as well as training flight of educational institutions and military units," the press service writes.

It is noted that experienced instructors pilots helps to master the cadets.

"Flights on the L-39 plane are the first step in the development of aviation as a whole. For each cadet, an independent departure is a significant day. This means that in the future he will be able to get admission to the following stages on a simple, complex aerobatics, flights along the route, in the clouds, at a low altitude, for combat use on land and air targets, "said Deputy Commander of the Educational and Aviation Center Lieutenant Colonel Maksat Brathaev.

Aero L-39 Albatros is a reactive educational aircraft designed to prepare flights, some modifications can be used as light attack aircraft and fighters. As of 2018, it continues to be operated in more than 30 countries of the world and is one of the main machines to prepare cadets of flight schools.

The jet engine allows you to develop speed up to 760 km / h at an altitude of 6.5 thousand m. Airplane armament includes bomber, uncontrolled missile weapons and managed rocket educational weapons, aiming and photocontal equipment. This allows you to perform a targeted bombing with a peering of free-mifting ammunition by a caliber of 50-100 kg, aiming shooting by unmanaged C-5 rockets, imitation of the start of controlled missiles by air targets using simulators.

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