5 facts about Princess Olga, which burned the city to revenge for the murder of her husband


Princess Olga was included in the first version of the rating of the World Economic Forum. She was praised, noted a major role in history and even called the ancestor of Russia. This fact was outraged by Peter Poroshenko - he said that Olga was Kiev Princess, and Moscow founded only the 3rd century later. In the description there were other errors: for example, Knyagini's husband called Ivan, although he was Igor. Poroshenko asked to correct errors, but Olga was drawn up from the list.

We tell what the princess Olga remember.

5 facts about Princess Olga, which burned the city to revenge for the murder of her husband 24786_1

According to one of the legends, Olga was married at 10 years

It is believed that she was a little less and met Igor by chance. One day, the prince had to twist the river, and he sat down into a boat to a stranger. When they already sailed, Igor saw that with him in the same boat was an incredibly beautiful girl. He tried to seal her, but Olga gave a decisive refusal. Igor impressed her chascolism, so he decided to marry her.

5 facts about Princess Olga, which burned the city to revenge for the murder of her husband 24786_2

Photo: Thomma

Olga revenged the rallies that killed her husband

Igor decided twice to collect tribute from the subjects. Doodle did not endure it and killed the prince. After his death, Olga took the throne, as their son was still small. She ordered to burn the razlyan alive, kill their ambassadors and cut people during prayer. The most famous revenge was a fire: Olga ordered to bind to the paws of the birds, set fire to them and release them. As a result, the city was burned, and the people again laid the tribute.

5 facts about Princess Olga, which burned the city to revenge for the murder of her husband 24786_3

Photo: Cyrillica

Olga adopted progressive reform

The princess learned the lesson and conducted a tax reform. It installed a fixed size of the filings and determined the place where they are charged.

Olga adopted Christianity

Many mistakenly think that this Vladimir was the first Christian on the throne, but his grandmother Olga took an Orthodox faith. She went to this step to strengthen the links between Russia and Byzantia. I even wanted to marry Konstantin VII, but Olga kept loyalty Igor. To avoid marriage, she managed to cunning: she asked Konstantin to be her with a godfather, because of what they could not be married.

5 facts about Princess Olga, which burned the city to revenge for the murder of her husband 24786_4

Photo: Postel-Deluxe.ru.

Olga ranked saints

She is one of five women in the Christian history ranked at the saints (in addition to her, Maria Magdaline, the first facular of Fekla, the martyr Apphia and the enlightener of Georgia Nina). Olga is worshiped as a patron of widows and converts Christians.

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