From Monday, traffic police starts raids to identify cars with incredible technical inspection

From Monday, traffic police starts raids to identify cars with incredible technical inspection 24782_1

According to the correspondent Onliner in the traffic police Minsk, from February 22 to February 26, preventive measures called "Gostemid" will be held in the capital. Inspectors will hold raids to identify the facts of operation of vehicles without permission to admission to participate in road traffic.


The traffic police may also organize control over the release of vehicles of organizations and enterprises by officials responsible for their technical condition and operation.

The State Traffic Inspectorate warns that in identifying cases of vehicle operation, administrative impact measures will be applied without the timely passed inspection.


Recall that the obligation to conduct a state technical inspection of vehicles, self-propelled vehicles subject to state registration and state accounting is enshrined in Article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Road Motion".

And in accordance with paragraph 10.3 of the Rules of the Road, the driver is prohibited to participate in road traffic on the vehicle, the design and technical condition of which does not meet the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, which has not passed the state technical inspection and the procedure for issuing permits for its admission to participate in road Movement.

Responsibility for managing the vehicle, in respect of which permission to admission to participate in road traffic, either which is not registered in the prescribed manner, is provided by Part 5 of Art. 18.12 Administrative Code is a warning or a fine of 1 to 3 basic values ​​(after an increase in the size of the base value, the amount of the fine is from 29 to 87 rubles).

What's there with "letters of happiness"

On the Internet there was information that from March 1, the car owners along with the "letters of happiness" for violations of the speed regime, recorded in automatic mode, will begin to receive and fines for incredible inspection in the same way as for other traffic disorders.

Recall that from March 1, a new edition of the Administrative Offenses Code is enforced.

Previously, the responsibility of the owners of the car when fixing the camera was fixed only for the violation of the speed mode and parking. In the new edition (4.8), this rate is significantly expanded, that is, there may be more reasons for sending "letters of happiness", including this also concerns technical inspection.

But one thing is the readiness of the legislative base and completely different - the technical willingness to lead to the measures provided for. According to our information, there is no speech about such readiness. Accordingly, it is unlikely that March 1 can be caught on the camera with an incredible technical inspection.

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