Cucumbers are proud - what is the cause of an unpleasant phenomenon


Good afternoon, my reader. Many gardeners are wondering why cucumbers can give bitter taste. The fact is that with adverse external conditions, these vegetables produce Cukurbitatin - a toxic substance that gives a bitter taste, accumulating at the bottom of the fetus. Factors provoking an unpleasant phenomenon - temperature differences, low levels of humidity, severe heat, inconed soil, mainly clay or sand. The taste of cucumber is also affected by the seeding time, if they are observed, the fruit will not be pattering.

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Cucumbers are proud - what is the reason for the unpleasant phenomenon of Maria Verbilkova

Cucumbers growing in the open soil can be charged for the following reasons:

  • lack of moisture and nutrients in the soil;
  • sharp drops of temperatures day and night;
  • grade predisposed to bitterness;
  • incorrect landing and care;
  • The invasions of parasites.

So that the cucumbers are not sure to comply with the following prevention measures:

  • Regular watering with warm water;
  • cover the beds with a film so as not to frozley;
  • dip the bushes so that the roots do not start;
  • Spray the bushes with means of parasites: Tly, nematodes, Medveda, Cellical tick;
  • change the structure of the soil to increase fertility;
  • fertilize soil by humus or bird litter, and not fresh manure;
  • tapping the cucumber shoulders;
  • feed the soil of saltier of potassium and urea;
  • process the soil with influence of onion husks and tobacco dust from parasites;
  • Installing additional lighting or bleaching the walls of the greenhouse if the light is too much;
  • To air the greenhouse and close it overnight;
  • Pull the capes of cucumbers to protect against parasites.
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Cucumbers are proud - what is the reason for the unpleasant phenomenon of Maria Verbilkova

If despite all the prevention measures taken, the cucumbers are still glittered, no need to despair. You can try to cut the back of the back, in which all bitterness will usually be copied. Also, it often helps salt the pulp of cucumber. If the cucumber still remains bitter, in this case you can soak it in warm water for three hours - such a measure usually removes the whole bitterness.

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