Roskosmos revealed violations of 30 billion rubles

Roskosmos revealed violations of 30 billion rubles 24757_1
Roskosmos revealed violations of 30 billion rubles

For 2020, the Roscosmos State Corporation made violations by more than 30 billion rubles, the head of the Accounts Chamber of Alexey Kudrin was told at a meeting with Vladimir Putin. "This is a different quality: somewhere - accounting, somewhere there is no meary, somewhere there is a violation of financing standards. In many industrial programs and others, including in state corporations that perform the functions of the main manager of budget funds, "he clarified.

However, this amount is less than in 2019: thanks to the restrictions entered due to COVID-19, since the financial control authority has canceled some checks, and the rest passed mainly in remote format. This year, the Accounts Chamber wants to test the use of funds aimed, in particular, to the program of maintenance and development of the Russian satellite GLONASS system.

In Roskosmos, they hurried to assure that the disorders "do not bear a material nature": "During the audit, the Accounts Chamber disorders were revealed, relating exclusively to the procedure for issuing documents and the formation of reporting materials. In constructive interaction with the Accounts Chamber, the State Corporation developed a plan for eliminating comments, which most at the moment were already eliminated, "the press service of the State Corporation in the comments for RIA Novosti.

Previously, the Accounts Chamber called the worst performers of budget expenditures at the end of last year: and Roscosmos entered the top three - along with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health. "The greatest amount of unfulfilled budget allocations for 2020 (more than 30,000.0 million rubles) has developed in the four main managers: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (75,009.7 million rubles, or 19.6% of the indicator of consolidated painting with change), Roskosmos State Corporation (43,254.5 million rubles, or 17.9%), Ministry of Health of Russia (34,637.9 million rubles, or 4.6%) and the Ministry of Sports of Russia (31,901.1 million rubles, or 11.6%), " - stated in the joint venture. And for the first nine months of 2019, the Office of Dmitry Rogozin contributed 1,133 billion rubles to the budget - instead of the planned 5.285 billion.

In 2018, Roskosmos revealed the most large-scale financial violations, including Kudrin, irrational spending. From 2004 to 2014, the Federal Space Agency - the predecessor of Roskosmos - 1.7 thousand times violated the law, about 200 employees were attracted to responsibility.

Source: Naked Science

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