Scratch at the counter at the price of 14,000 euros: how Latvijas Gāze puts fines for suspicion of theft of gas

Scratch at the counter at the price of 14,000 euros: how Latvijas Gāze puts fines for suspicion of theft of gas 24722_1

Last year, accounts for consumed natural gas were significantly reduced for residents of Latvia. This happened due to a record warm winter. And since the revenue of the Blue Fuel Supplier As Latvijas Gāze (LG) fell, then the gas workers intend to search for a double energy to use the gas to free.

And only suspicion of theft is enough to ensure truly draconian fines. In existing practice, it was necessary to deal with even the constitutional court, which still stood on the side of consumers.

Steal up to 1% gas

A few years ago, Chairman of the Board of AS LG Aigars Kalvitis said that about 600 cases of influence on the testimony of gas consumption counters, which can be considered as theft. Cases of gas embezzlement are detected as a result of testing when the client's room is compared with historical and current consumption and gas payments. When inconsistencies are detected, the company is looking for the causes of loss.

"I do not know a single case when someone was caught on theft of gas unreasonably. In addition, the amount of damage is estimated by tens of thousands of euros. It should be understood that non-pensioners are stealing, but rich people who consume a lot of gas. In Riga, there are whole streets with private houses in which gas steal, "Kalvitis stressed.

In AS GASO, which is engaged in servicing gas networks and is a subsidiary of Latvijas Gāze, agree with the statements of their chief boss and declare that Latvians steal 1% of the total gas entering the country. To combat breakthroughs in the GASO structure there is even a special department. If you wish in the Russian segment of the Internet, you can find a lot of tips on theft of gas.

Here are just one of them: "Ear the gas in the pipe, tightening the valve at the entrance to the entrance. Check out the presence of a gas match. After you have brewed the location of the connection, apply a rich layer of foam: if bubbles after turning on the gas will burst and swell, you have brewed very badly, disconnect the valve and boil once again. " Often, such arrows ends with death and injuries of amateurs gas workers.

But usually such trials are engaged in owners of private houses, where gas boilers are installed. After all, consumption here is hundreds of cubic meters - it means there is a temptation to get savings. However, the illegal knocking should still be discussed. Why do it, if there are much simpler ways to make customers pay.

On blue gas

In the Criminal Law of the Republic of LR, there is an article 182. She says that "illegal consumption of electricity, heat and gas and gas, if it is repeated throughout the year ... is punished with imprisonment for up to two years, or forced work, or cash to fifty minimum monthly Salary.

The illegal consumption of electricity, heat and gas and gas in large volumes or by a group of persons by preliminary conspiracy is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, or forced work, or in cash before one hundred minimum monthly salaries. But in order to apply the punishment, it is necessary to conduct a consequence, the trial. Indeed, only by the sentence of a person's court can be recognized as guilty.

But Latvijas Gāze uses a much less troublesome path. For this, the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the Supply and Use of Natural Gas" were adopted. They do not require a supplier evidence of the fact of theft - just one act of GASO employee act according to the results of the inspection. And if the operator reveals a violation of the rules or contract, due to which the accrued amount of gas consumed or the ability to use gas is created for free, will have to pay compensation: the calculated gas consumption plus a double-size rate. In case of dedication with the repayment of penalties, a claim should be submitted. And then the judicial executor comes into business.

The program "Personal Business" on TV channel LTV-7 told similar stories of four people living in different cities of Latvia. The entire period of gas consumption for the supplier has no complaints. Then the masters came, the counter was taken away - and after six months-year, customers received fines in the amount of 10-20 thousand euros. All four were accused of theft of gas, but they all stated their innocence.

Vladimir K. In a private house in Riga, GASO was removed the gas meter and amounted to this act. He packed the measuring instrument into a separate package and took it without any comments. And after half a year, Vladimir was waiting for a surprise: a claim from the gas supplier, GASO, demanding 14 thousand euros. The foundation was the conclusion of the examination, injuries were discovered in the seal.

A resident of Adaji together with her husband bought a house. All counters got from the previous owner. LG rejected an agreement on the new owner. The master came, inspiring everything. There were no complaints. But three years later, the meter was taken and sent to the examination. The Latvijas Gāze expert under the microscope discovered the inconsistency of the factory seal counter. There were no claims to the LG seller. At the same time, another expert concluded that it is impossible to intervene in the work of the meter, without damaging the LG seal. But still followed by 20 thousand euros.

Alexander from Daugavpils has a house - 130 square meters. He paid an annual aligned payment - 70-90 euros every month - for gas, because hecks the house, heats the water and prepares food on gas. But the masters came, the counter was removed, they gave for examination. And then like everyone else: accusations of the stealing of gas and account by 14 thousand euros.

Riganine Alexei warned the company LG in advance, which leaves the country and preserves the house, so gas consumption will decrease. At first it was required to go to the aligned payment and the advance payment of 1,800 euros. Then the masters appeared and took the counter. "The first thing they did is rigidly broken a seal. Two masters arrived. One ripped the seal, and I asked him why he did it, because he can damage the plastic ear.

He said: "We always do that." And after that, having consisted, they decided to remove the counter. And as a result, they also stated damage to the ear, which they themselves did, "says Alexey. And then everything is on the scenario: a huge account for 11 thousand euros and charges in the stealing of gas. Alexey won the first court. The second lost. Money had to pay. But he did not stop and continued to sue.

Reached the Constitutional Court

He passed all the courts and reached the Constitutional Court, achieved as a result of recognizing that the points of compensation rules contradict the Satversme. The court ruled that the procedure for calculating compensation for the spent gas in a two-time amount of unjust and similar measures led to a violation of the fundamental human rights, so the rules are canceled since their adoption. This means that consumers will be able to return earlier money paid.

But the gas workers are not going to change their policies to identify and combat natural gas rareers. First of all, problems may arise from those who purchased a house or apartment or gathered to move the gas meter. Only GASO employees or certified firms are entitled to transfer it. But only GASO worker can re-delight the meter. And if the seal was accidentally damaged, it is urgent to report this to the enterprise, otherwise large problems are possible.

When buying an apartment, at home we must immediately renew the contract for your name with Latvijas Gāze, and at the same time make sure that the former owner completely calculated for the posed blue fuel.

Alexander Fedotov.

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