Where to go on weekends 5-7 February: concerts, performances, exhibitions, events

Where to go on weekends 5-7 February: concerts, performances, exhibitions, events 24707_1
Where to go on weekends on February 5-7: concerts, performances, exhibitions, events Anna Gorodishche

Concerts of the Iowa and Neuromons of Feofan, parties in the "Arrow", Garage Sale in Artplay, Old Moscow in photos of Nauma Granovsky and much more - Time Out collected all the most interesting things that will happen in Moscow on this weekend.







Alena Shvets.When: February 5 and 6 at 20:00

Where: HeadsClub.

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10 years of life. How changed concert Moscow

The new body of adolescents and generation 20-year-olds, Alena Shvets performs bold sincere songs of its own essay and already conquers the scenes of large festivals - such as "invasion" and stereoto.

Neuromona Feofan

When: February 6 at 20:00

Where: 1930 MOSCOW

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More than karaoke: past and present Caver culture

Old Russian dram for dying dance. Good young men and red girls are waiting for the charge of drank and a new show. The "Ancient Russian Rave" program is designed to embody all the most bold and absurd fantasies on the topic "As a grandfather's grandfather went to Muspit".


When: February 7 at 20:00

Where: HeadsClub.

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Belarusian performer, author of hits "Minibus", "Mom" and "Smile", will speak with the long-awaited offline, and not an online concert on the head of the chaplub.


Retrospective of films Paolo Sorrentino

When: February 5-16

Where: Moskino Youth

Tickets and details

10 cult movies failed

In retrospective films, Paolo Sorrentino entered the "Youth" and "Great Beauty" paintings, where noble old people reflect on life, dream of adolescence and are found with colorful characters and free fantasy on the topic of life Silvio Berlusconi "Loro".

Movies are demonstrated in the original language with Russian subtitles.


From all over the world. Foreign Ministers February

He is looking for his place in the world and suddenly learns that he should become a guardian of the younger sister, an autistic teen named Music. The memory does not feel ready for such responsibility and first it seems to her that they and sister will not be able to establish contact. Will the sisters happen in the life of a miracle that always expects those who know how to hear the heart? The answer is in 10 music clips singer SIA, which she wrote specifically for this film.

Week Yelasha in the "Illusion"

When: February 2-8

Where: "Illusion"

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Minute of Nostalgia: Children and Youth Tele Show 90s

In memory of the creator of the cult humorous vintage, Boris Grachevsky "Illusion" holds the week "Elash". Total viewers will be able to see 40 issues with a 35mm film from the archives of the State Film Fund of Russia, among them will be both legendary issues with the stars of the Soviet screen and newer. Login is free, on registration.

"North wind"

5 excellent films of Russian women directors

New film Renat Litvinova about the magical time of the Great Matriarchate. Women of an influential clan ruled on the territory of the northernmost fields and lived in anticipation of love, they were all complaints, any of their desire was fulfilled - but one day everything has changed and chaos began. Now, to correct the position of things, one of them must sacrifice.


Performance "Girl Nadia, what do you need?"When: February 7 at 19:00

Where: contemporary

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Hall half full: 7 Theater Prime Minister

The performance on the work of Gennady Schapalikova is one of the most paradoxical artists of the 60s, the text of which he wrote already being homeless. "In the era of postmodernism, the 60s look pathetic, narrowed, ridiculous. You do not believe these ideological characters, consider them simple and fanatics. Their victim is not pragmatic and no one needs. Or is it just so it seems? Together with the team of artists of the "contemporary" we tried to understand whether today such a hero is possible, as Nadia Smolina or Jeanne, D'Ark - the one who is willing to perish for his idea. Can we oppose the 60s of the Irony and post-irony era? Does you need a new romantic takeoff today? " - The director of the play Ivan Komarov.

Performance "Adventure of the Brave Soldier Schweika"

When: February 6 at 18:00

Where: Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army

Tickets and details

Search for happiness in the present: 9 best performances 2020, which should be seen

Performance-cabaret with songs, sketches, dances, pantomime, shadow theater and film elements. Joseph Schweik, a former infantryman, and now the Crademan's deer in Prague, learns about the beginning of the First World War and immediately goes to the draft point. The caricature patriotic gust leads Schweik first to the police commissariat, then into a crazy house, a military hospital, a military prison, where it contains as evading the prisoner of the Simulant, and, finally, for military service: first in the rear, and then - on the road to the front But the hero does not lose cheerfulness at the same time.

Performance "Cynic"

When: February 7 at 19:00

Where: Mossoveta's Theater named

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5 and a half performances on the works of Chekhov

"Cynics" on the novel Anatoly Mariengof, one of the founders of the IMAZHINISM in the literature and a close friend of Yesenin - the debut director Sergei Aronina, a graduate of the workshop of Evgeny Kamenkovich and Dmitry Krymov. The performance about the Russian intelligentsia against the background of the revolution and the Civil War: love, treason, universal destruction and eternal truths.


Thomas Sapanen "Driving Atmosphere"

When: until March 14

Where: Garage.


From the underground to the "garage": Moscow on the world art scene

Thomas Sapanen creates works at the junction of art, technology and environmental agenda. Saraisny believes that soon the world will change and people move into airspace - where they will not only live, but also to adapted, using wind strength and energy of sunlight, so there is a flying house in the exhibition center.

Moscow Nauma Granovsky 1920-1980

When: until February 23

Where: center photos of them. Lumiere brothers


5 books about famous photographers who are worth reading

Recently it became known that the center of photographs them. Lumiere brothers on the "Red October" will soon close, so we suggest say goodbye to your favorite place and visit the exhibition that goes there.

Granovsky was called the chief architectural photographer of the USSR. The exhibition presents photos of Moscow of the 1920s and the Stalinist period, as well as the work created by the author in the era of Soviet modernism.

"Hi, Human. Portal to the Future »

When: until February 25

Where: Center for Contemporary Art "Mars"


"A selection of portraits and nothing more": that foreigners think about Moscow museums

The exhibition promotes the concept of ecoofuturism and immerses visitors to a special space, in which the digital technology and environmentally friendly green world coexist harmoniously. Physical and digital reality here are one, but the person remains the master of the situation.

The central character of the exposure is a holographic avatar, asking the audience questions that generate their digital copies and allowing themselves to manage art installation.


Salsateca on VDNH

When: February 5 - and every Friday at 20:00

Where: House of Culture VDNH


Time that is no longer: the story of VDNH in documentary photos

Every Friday in the House of Culture on the VDNH is waiting for fans of Latin American dances. Salse master classes will take place from 20:00 to 21:00, leading - winner of the World Championships in ten dances Cyril Agishev. Participate is free, preliminary registration is needed. Preventive measures continue to operate on the EDPH. Master classes will be held in solo format - without a partner. In order to secure people over 65 years old and with chronic diseases, it is recommended to stay at home and refuse to visit events.

Festive weekend in the "Arrow" bar

When: February 5 and February 6, 23:00 - 03:00

Where: Arrow


55 Music events of February

Parties in honor of the birthdays of DJ David Pershikov, Art-Director Tanya Andrianova and Art Director of the Arrow Institute Ani Kulachk.

Festive events will last two days: on Friday in the "Arrow" will perform DJ Denis Ryabov, he is Danny Flow, Peter Chinavat (Lil 'Daddy Chin), Ivan Smekalin (I One), Leva Zhitsky (Jah Lion) and Birthday Pershikov (DAVY D 69). On Saturday, the founder of the label That's a steal and the participant of the festivals of DEKMANTEL and Lente Kabinet Leonid Lipelis will appear. Free admission.

Eskimo Garage Sale.

When: February 6 and 7

Where: ArtPlay Art Space


Not only trolleybuses: what other items of urban life will not see our children

This weekend in Artplay will be the eskimo Garage Sale: a flea market for a manner of Berlin garage-sailors, a market of local designers, flower swap and a lot of good music! Here you can buy outfits marni, COS, MARC Jacobs and other quality brands at the price of the mass market, and on the second day in a special corner you can find outfits of bloggers, stylists and it-girls.

Local designers, interior items, home plants and beautiful accessories for them, vintage outfits, ceramics and more will be presented on the market. On Sunday from 14:00 to 17:00 there will be a green swap with Max Turan, where it will be possible to bring its plants and sprouts in pots and without and change them to new species.

Excursions in Gorky Park

Gorky Park shared bills of events for February:

February 6 at 12:00 - excursion "Legends of the Alley of the leaders" (12+). Start - the main entrance to the Gorky Park, the cost - 400/200 rubles.

February 6 at 15:00 - excursion "On the slopes and terraces of Sparrow Mountains". Start - Luzhnetsky metro station, metro Vorobyev Mountain, entrance number 2, Cost - 300/150 rub.

February 7 at 12:00 - Excursion "Live History of Gorky Park". Start - the main entrance to the Gorky Park, the cost - 400/200 rubles.

Museum in Moskino Star

When: February 6 at 12:00

Where: "Mosquino Star"


Reverse rewind. Best films 2011-2020

"Moskino Star" returns "film stuff" in an updated format: the audience is waiting for a special menu in the cafe. In February program, the Polish drama about the mysterious massage thermal-healer, the Yakutian mystical picture, marked by the main prize of the "Kinotaur", the eternal classic of Ingmar Bergman and the new film Renata Litvinova. On February 6, the picture of the film will be "snow will not be will no longer", the film will represent the film critic Egor Belikov.

Market Artflection.

When: February 6 and 7

Where: Dubininskaya 71, p.5

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Change! 5 excellent swaps in Moscow

The traditional market of Russian designers ArtFlection will be held in this weekend: more than 150 masters from all over the country will be gather. Visitors are waiting for open workshops, where you can watch the process of creating art facilities, an exhibition of projects and art gallery, as well as many copyright works: ceramics, decorations, dishes and much more. Registration of visitors is obligatory!

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