8 facts about Margarita Yudina, which broke the legs in the abdomen of the rose


On January 23 throughout Russia, rallies were held in support of Alexei Navalny - you can read more about this here. Putin said that it was boring, but without incident it did not cost - on the network there was a video, where the woman drove into the abdomen of the Omonian, after which she fell into intensive care. We tell what happened to Margarita Yudina:

Rasonian hit a woman in his belly

She asked him, for which a young man was detained. Here's a video:

Margarita Yudina fell into intensive care

After impact, the woman was taken out at the ambulance and put in intensive care - she diagnosed the concussion of the brain and a closed cranial injury. Information about her condition was contradictory: on the Internet they wrote that she was not in consciousness, but the head doctor of the hospital said that she feels great and ready for discharge.

After a couple of days, the culprit was still found - he came to Margarita to the hospital, brought her a bouquet of flowers and apologized. The OMONET explained that he was "poverty" (although it can be seen on the video that he took it up), and before that he was spilled from the canister from the canister. The woman accepted apologies.

Margarita - from the family of repressed

She is 54 years old, she lives with three children in the city of Luga in a private house. On a rally on January 23, Margarita arrived specifically - for the activities of Alexei Navalny, she follows from 2011 and supports it. Her views come from childhood: she was born in the family of repressed. The father was a dissident, because of what he was put in a psychiatric hospital, and relatives were not allowed to work quietly and learn. Here we have already told how difficult it still lives the descendants of the repressed and "enemies of the people."

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House Margarita Yudina. Photo: 47News.ru.

Guardianship authorities wanted to pick up her children

Margarita raises three children alone. Once she worked in the military unit, but her son was convicted of slander, and she was fired from work. After that, the family began to be considered unfavorable, and the guardianship authorities wanted to pick up children from her, but Margarita went to Germany. For a while she lived there from acquaintances and earned translations, but I had to return to Russia.

Now Margarita is working as a tutor in mathematics. Her youngest daughter does not go to school: because of the poverty of the sons there were tremors there, so the girl entered the Dutch College on the budget and learn remotely. Margarita says they feed on basically bread and potatoes.

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Margarita with children in Germany. Photo: 47News.ru.

What does Margarita talk about the situation in the country

My position is to change cannibals. At the household level - the impoverishment of people, from the actual - the degradation of medicine. But the worst is the TV. Natural zombie goes through propaganda. You need to possess very high IQ and critical thinking, so as not to succumb to it. Hence the investigation: the passivity of the people. They say, extinguish, wipeless, if only there was no war, and in the 90s as it was bad. Still cave times remembered.

Margarita Yudina will initiate a criminal case

Everyone thought that the woman forgave the riot police and would not give the case. But Margarita believes that she was deceived.

According to her, it was asked to sign some papers before hospitalization, after the police came to her in the ward and persuaded to forgive the riot police. She was confused in front of the cameras and succumbed to persuasion. Already then, Margarita remembered that he took the rose, he saw everything well, and no one jumped with gas from her can. After margarita discovered, he found that in her card it was not indicated that she did in the state of moderate severity - there are only about small bruises.

The name of the abuser Margarita also does not know, and believes that, despite her forgiveness, he must suffer punishment:

All the same, it is necessary that this business has a legitimate move, and not melodramatic. Therefore, I intend to apply to the Investigation Committee and find out who attacked me

What they say about Margarita Yudina officials and leading

Immediately after the woman decided to apply to the Investigation Committee, Vladimir Solovyev spoke that it was all a planned provocation. Here is his opinion about the blow:

She really does not beat her, pushing her leg, resting in the stomach

But what said Speaker State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin:

If the policeman himself apologized, after all, it would be correct to note that law enforcement agencies and police officers actually acted very responsible

The doctor and TV presenter Alexander Butchestnikov expressed this though:

This is not a woman for him in this second, it is an object that prevents its task. Can splash can be sprinkled, and maybe a seva dust!

Here are the words Margarita Simonyan, director of the channel Russia Today:

Minus one woman with a shaking, but still one on a huge country - it deserves a particular thank you. Work, brothers

Margarita Yudean again laid in the hospital

January 26, Margaritis was hospitalized again. She became worse after employees of the prosecutor's office and guardianship bodies came to her to "clarify her rights." Lawyers who help Margarita submit a statement to SC, took her to the hospital in St. Petersburg - in the meadow cause an ambulance did not work. According to them, the doctor who examined Margarita diagnosed the closed brain injury and concussion, and was very surprised that the woman was discharged with such injuries the next day.

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