5 facts about infertility that is important to know all

5 facts about infertility that is important to know all 24624_1

Even if you do not plan to pregnancy

If you are trying to start a child and do it fails quickly, the whole world around may seem "pregnant". Suddenly it turns out that all girlfriends are in position, and in passersby you can begin to see future happy parents. Even if you do not plan to become parents, about infertility it is important to know, because according to statistics in the world about 48.5 million barren pairs. We tell 5 facts about this phenomenon.

1. To make their children does not work for many people. It seems that this is only you with such unfortunate. In fact, about 12% of the world's population suffer from infertility.

2. Eco is not a panacea. The success of the procedure depends on the set of factors: the age of the woman (after 34 years old the ability of the egg to reproduce the offspring is reduced by 2.5 times), the quality of eggs, transferred operations, etc. Therefore, to postpone the treatment of infertility, hoping that Eco will work in any case, it is definitely not worth it.

3. In infertility rarely has one reason. Params that want to have a child often want to hear one exact diagnosis from a doctor who led to infertility. But this is not always the case - according to statistics, 25% of fruitless steam has a whole group of factors that interfere with becoming parents.

4. Infertility is not the problem of only women. Contrary to the myth-in-law in society, about 40% of the pairs that cannot have a child, infertility are found or from a man or in both partners.

5. Ovulation and menstruation - do not guarantee that you do not suffer infertility. There are several more stereotypes, for example: while menstruation and ovulation are preserved, I do not threaten infertility. This is not at all. The conception depends on the set of other factors: the quality of eggs, Oviral breakdowns of the oocyte and many others.

Scientists and doctors are confident: infertility can be treated, but only if you have proven information and turn to a specialist in time. In trying to become parents, the couples often begin to look for magic pills on the forums and read people who "won infertility with breathing exercises." And professionals are already treated with launched diagnoses.

If you want to learn more about infertility - we advise you to enroll in Eco School for future parents. Here, doctors will be available to the recent scientific discoveries in the field of infertility and explain in detail the specifics of the ECO procedure.

Speakers at the Events "School" are the Reproductologists of the Neo Clinic: Ekaterina Shibov, Olga Balahontseva, Nina Gribanova, Tatyana Zeberg, Immunologist-Endocrinologist, Medical Lawyers, Genetics and other specialists.

The first of the series of events in the "School" will be held January 31 from 11:30 to 18:00. Future parents are waiting:

✅ Reports of speakers;

✅ personal acquaintance and conversation with doctors;

✅ Circle support for couples, founded in the same situation;

✅ Exquisite buffet;

✅ Raffle Eco Program.

The cost of participation in the first event is 2000 rubles. You can sign up on the site. The event will be held at: ul. Pyatnitskaya, d. 71/5, p. 2. All details and announcements of other events "Eco School" see here.

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