"I have a defective insulation - does not warm up": why you have to freeze even in insulated houses and what to do about it

"I have a defective insulation - does not warm up": why you have to freeze even in insulated houses and what to do with this Ekaterina Afanasyev

Subscribers of our group vk.com, Vlasov V.G. An experienced builder shared a rather funny situation. And also prepared for you advice on the insulation of your home - the topic is always relevant. Rather, read and use the recommendations - hereinafter the author's text. A client with explicit indignation in his voice once turned to the insulation: "I bought an expensive insulation, and in the house almost pairs of mouth goes from the cold! And what, caught defective, rough? ". Immediately I reassure: Of course, the insulation itself will not heal anything. This is not a source of heat, he just saves it. If you touch the insulation, then you will definitely feel warm. But this is not because the material itself produces something there, but because he reflected your heat. Alas, but not all people understand that it is explained: not everyone is builders. It is better to specify information from the pro, which will help to choose a suitable material, and not just use the foam or polystyrene foam in all the necessary and unnecessary cases. There is no heat source. The insulation will not save and he will not warm. And it may well freeze: maybe not as fast as other materials, but it will happen sooner or later. Here such materials can be compared with the thermos, which in the cold stops the heat stops, and water inside becomes ice.

The insulation only retains heat, but he does not heret Catherine Afanasyev

If you summarize, the insulation is used so that the house has heated itself. Stlikely, as with top clothes, which helps the body of a person herself to warm himself. Such a "technology" will work only if there is a source of radiation of a possecutive temperature.

"I have a defective insulation - does not warm up": why you have to freeze even in insulated houses and what to do with this Ekaterina Afanasyev

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of STROYDAY.RU.Inger Banal errors when installing the insulation, because of which residents of the houses are then tormented from the fact that the insulation of them "does not warm" .1. The insulation is not suitable for stacked both in a skeleton house and on the attic can not be cold to the touch in winter when heating is included. The temperature of the inner surface of the wall should be the same as the air temperature in the room. Designers who develop framework technology, just in this and strive. But in Russia, very often skewers turn out to be cold, and the matter is here both in relation to the builders to their work and in the mismatch of standards. For example, in the West, the frame houses are erected from the boards with a thickness of 1.5 inches, because 38 mm. Through the axes, the distance between the racks is 625 mm (which is due to the width used to cover sheet materials - 1250 mm). Between the racks there is a space of 587 mm wide. Therefore, a standard mat, for example, minvati, having a width of 600 mm, is perfectly installed by the versius between the racks. And in Russia, the racks are made from 50 mm wide boards, so the distance between them is 575 mm. And the remaining 12 mm do not allow to establish a regular mat from Minvati. It turns out:

Incorrectly laid insulation Ekaterina Afanasyev

Because of this inconsistency, builders are engaged in proclamation. Qualitatively customized the insulation will have long, especially since a lot of fine fibers remain in the air. They are inhaling dangerous. The builders do not want to "earn" bronchitis and avoid such. To solve the problem, it is necessary to not be attached to the width of the slaughter materials (ie, OSB, CSP, etc.), but to set the distance between the racks is 590 mm. It is better to do this at the design stage, but if this was not done, it is required to ensure all the conditions for high-quality furnaces of mineral wool to an existing frame. We will have to work in a well-ventilated room and be sure to use respirators.

It is important to use respirators when working with Minvata Ekaterina Afanasyev

"I have a defective insulation - does not warm up": why you have to freeze even in insulated houses and what to do with this Ekaterina Afanasyev

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of the project Stroyday.ru.ingerer. For example, the question is expertly to get acquainted with the material - the correct insulation of the walls of the house from the inside mineral wool + hypocarton. The insulation is not suitable for QUESTION. I said that mats from Minvati are difficult to insert between racks if the size of the niche is not too big. But it comes in a good mineral wool, which is made specifically for the insulation of external walls. These mats are elastic, tough. But there are more "flabby" materials that use precisely to fill in the inner partitions. And mount such cotton between the frame racks is easily, even if the distance is less than the specified one.

On the packaging of Minvati indicated where it can be used by Ekaterina Afanasyev

This is used by unscrupulous builders and prohibitions. It seems to seem to seem to be: the specified amount of Minvati is laid in the wall, but customers should control the packaging, watch an overhead or check. Large manufacturers directly on the package indicate what a specific material is suitable for. It is impossible to use material for partitions on the outer part of the wall, because there will be no sufficient heat protection. Marriage during the Montajaner If in the width of the insulation, everything is fine, problems can be with a height. The mats are very important to properly cut down the length and install so that the drawings are not. Not all builders follow this, and often the gap remains in the top of the wall. This error is very common. In addition, such a gap can not always be seen from the height of human growth. Here, for example, such a mistake can be seen on these photos:

Error Instaling the insulation Ekaterina Afanasyev
Error when installing insulation №2 Ekaterina Afanasyev

4. Improper design with a wall-recommending material - how to determine the dew point. If the wall is incorrectly designed, even with an ideally laid insulation, it can remain raw and very cold. It is important that vaporizolation be installed, and the joints of the cloth were punctured. And the material installed outside the insulation should remove moisture from the wall to the street. These are either special membranes or slab materials with high vapor permeability. We bring an exemplary scheme of construction with a power schedule (despite the fact that the external temperature is -10, internal +23):


However, OSB is often used for external sheaving. This material has bad vapor permeability. On the paint of heat; you can see the condensation zone:


The moisturized insulation will not be able to retire heat, and the wall will become very cold to the touch. Moreover, moisture can provoke the rise of mold:

Mold on the insulation Ekaterina Afanasyev

If this has been revealed, it is extremely important to redo the wall as quickly as possible. Otherwise, over a few years, the mold will damage the frame so that it will only be demolished.

"I have a defective insulation - does not warm up": why you have to freeze even in insulated houses and what to do with this Ekaterina Afanasyev

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of the project Stroyday.ru.ingerer. For example, the question is expert by my detailed instruction on the warming of a wooden house.5. Built-in sockets perfectly made insulation, vaporizolation may suffer when installing wiring. Electricians usually pose hermetic vaporizolation, remove the insulation with pieces for placing wires and sockets. Because of this, all the work done on the installation of the insulation will be in vain, and the tenants complain that the outlets are blowing. These problems did not have such problems, it is best not to engage in the styling of hidden wiring in the outdoor walls of frame houses. Wires are better located in plinths or specially designed cable channels.

Because of the wrong installation of the socket, the insulation may not "work" Ekaterina Afanasyev

If the wires still need to be paved in the wall, then they are located between the layers of the insulation, and then install hermetic vaporizolation. How do it come with a socket from which blowing? We will have to dismantle the conversion to explore the situation. Poor if the insulation is wet: then you have to plan the alteration of the whole wall. If the condensate was not detected, it is necessary to simply restore the heat shield, which was damaged, as well as vapor barrier around the opposition. For this, pieces of minvati, mounting foam, butyl rubber sealant are usually used. But it is not necessary to use the insulation so that it really keeps the heat heat temperature inside the house. In fact, the dispute will "insulate outside or inside" eternal. I adhere to the opinion that such technology will lead to a decrease in the durability of the wall. The warmer will definitely not be, but the design will be very much, because moisture accumulates. Warm only part of the design. Insulation - not just installation of material, but a whole complex of different tasks. Plates must necessarily cover the entire area of ​​the structure that borders on the street. Incorrectly, if gluing is carried out only by applying "Lyapukh", and not around the perimeter of the entire sheet. Corollary - bending plates of insulation. Also on finishing can manifest their contour.

It is necessary to apply glue through the perimeter with strips of 4-6 cm wide. On the rest of the surface - point "blooming" (there must be 3-8 pieces). Minimum 40% of the sheet should have been covered with glue. Also, it can be applied by a ridge spatula, but the method will be effective if the walls were plastered. On the base, the glue is not applied - this is important.

It is imperative to correctly apply glue on the insulation Ekaterina Afanasyev

Do not protect the insulation from weather conditions. Open Minvat easily absorb water, and foam, for example, undergoes superficial erosion. Because of this, the clutch of the layers of the walls of the walls will break. Materials for thermal insulation It is important to protect against all atmospheric influences both during storage on construction sites and when used in the process of insulation. Walls that were insulated with mineral wool are necessarily protected by the roof from the rain. If they are wetted, dried will be extremely long, and if thermal insulation is moistened, it will not be effective. In addition, walls that are insulated with foam, should not be subjected to a long exposure to the direct rays of the Sun (more than 2-3 months). Ability to the primer. Some builders apply the finish decorative plaster directly on the layer with a grid without using a special primer. This leads to the fact that decorative plaster gluits incorrectly, enlightenments from glue appear, the surface of the warmed facade becomes rough. In addition, the stutter in a few years it will just crack and disappear. For the insulation of the walls in the corners of door openings, windows, the insulation is required to be properly cut in such a way that the intersection of the plates does not turn out to be on the corners. Yes, it significantly increases the amount of material waste, but the house will be correctly insulated.

It is important to correctly cut insulation for openings and corners of Ekaterina Afanasyev

Putting the sliced ​​extruded polystyrene foam over the pipe. It is completely wrong - for the insulation of communications you need to use only a tubular insulation, otherwise it makes no sense at least some measures to take. The cold will simply "overlook the insulation along the shortest path.

Heater for pipes Ekaterina Afanasyev

Therefore, it is important for insulation to approach with the mind, to understand the technology well or trust professionals. Then exactly the insulation "will warm up", that is, there will be warmth in the house.

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