5 terrible stereotypes about women in modern domestic cinema and serials

5 terrible stereotypes about women in modern domestic cinema and serials 24575_1
5 terrible stereotypes of women in modern domestic cinema and TV series Anna Kaz

Everyone has the right to independently decide who to be how to live and what to believe. In the world, more and more movements aimed at combating female complexes growing from inconsistency imposed standards appear. However, despite the fact that society becomes less categorical, stereotypes are still alive - and have a strong influence on us. Confirmation can be found in Russian cinema. Time Out found 5 "principles" of a typical woman from domestic films.

New achievement - new hairstyle

In almost every film, the path of the heroine to success is accompanied by a change of image. In Russian cinema, ordinary girls from the province are almost always emphasized, and the happy completion of their plot lines is the complete transformation, internal and external. After numerous manipulations in front of the viewer, a beautiful princess is born. A bright, self-confident beauty with burning eyes and in the outfits in the last fashion is the image of a fatal girl from Russian melodramas. In the series "Mannequer" of 2014, one of the employees of the house model notes Sasha Linkovka, working at that time a cleaner. The girl passes a difficult path, becomes a model, achieves success, and its appearance changes.

In the series "Red Queen", Zoya Kolesnikova, not yet reaching Moscow, the train cuts off long hair, because he wants, "so that everything is different." Pretty symbolic for our culture. Detail, having deep historical roots. In Russia, the bride on the eve of the wedding broke the maiden braid and laid her hair into a female hairstyle. The change of imagine when changing the status is rather ancient, and perhaps not a completely relevant custom at a modern pace of life. However, it still continues to broadcast in the movies.

Dove experts within the framework of the SELF ESTEEM project held a small social experiment, which showed that many women cannot accept themselves and do not realize their own beauty. From here there is a constant desire to change the image and bring your own appearance to the parameters of the conditional model with expensive photoshop. During the experiment, the judicial portrait of Jil Zamor writes each participant of 2 portrait: the first one - with the words of the girl, the second - from the words of another person. The artist himself does not see the models. The result clearly displays the difference in perception.

Woman beautiful only in youth

In Russian melodrama, it is quite often possible to meet the image of an infidel husband, who changes his wife with a younger and cute mistress. Sometimes even beauty does not save a woman in a similar situation, because "Time takes His." As a result, a woman with age themselves begin to devalue their appearance, although this is rooted incorrectly. In the TV series "Tell the Truth" of Ksenia quietly lives with her husband for 15 years - but suddenly begins to suspect treason and literally goes crazy, trying to uncover the name of the mistress. She wants to know the truth, but at the same time it is afraid to lose his spouse and stay alone, because Ksenia is no longer young. The heroine looks in the corner. Do women really have a "shelf life", and upon reaching a certain figure in a passport life becomes less beautiful?

Beauty goes from the inside and has nothing to do with age. If a woman is confident in herself and in his own attractiveness - she is beautiful. Be she 17, 20 or 50 years old.

In fact, the need to always be young is another criterion of the "ideal woman" from the cover, which we sometimes subconsciously strive to fit, thereby maintaining the prosperity of the beauty industry and destroying their self-esteem.

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The psychologist who conducts an experiment over 35-year-old Anna Novikova in the film "New Life" is helped by a stereotype of age. On appearance? Not. Everyone look different. Health is all the more different. Someone is born with heart defect, and someone and 80 as a motor works. Experience also comes not over the years. We have experience with experienced life situations, and not with a number in a passport. And in 25 it is possible to be a sage, and in 45 are premature. Age is not a person characteristic. Each has its own spring, their dawn and its own sunset. "

Career is not a female business

Very often a strong woman in the film I want to regret, seeing how she sacrifices a personal life for the sake of career, debt or service. Such examples can be found in the Soviet cinema: Katerina, the heroine of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears", having a successful career, does not feel truly happy until she gains love with George.

In modern cinema, we show how difficult it is to combine a career with family responsibilities.

In the TV series "Mommiks", one of the heroines, Anya, parting with her husband, develops an idea and launches his startup. However, she has a son in her arms - and she constantly has to be broken between the business and the child's upbringing.

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The basis of this stereotype is the patriarchal ideas about the division of social roles: a man earns, a woman raises. When the scheme is broken, "breaking" and balance inside the family. However, it can be saved if it is initially divided by the duties differently or take into account that life gives us many options: to create a family and devote yourself to children - this is not a female duty, but a conscious choice. The same applies to career. There are no right and wrong options here: a woman who has decided to devote himself to work, not necessarily should be unhappy.

Beautiful girl should be slim

In the same TV series "Red Queen", all models as a selection of thinners - they are afraid to get out of the GOST. Regina also tries to follow the example of his colleagues, refuses to dinner with his neighbor on the hostel and prefers to eat an apple (however, after a few minutes, the feeling of hunger takes the top).

In some pictures, the topic of weight loss is central. The series "School for Fault" reflects the fate of three complete women trying to establish a personal life through weight loss. Ksenia half a year was in a protracted depression after his daughter's death and does not want to return to the wrong spouse, who, in turn, does not understand who, besides him, will need "such fat". Irina - Doctor of Biological Sciences - can neither return the husband, who left in America, nor get the location of the laboratory manner of Nikita. Good and naive Polina is fond of cooking and does not notice how her husband changes her with her more slender sister.

And no matter how hard the American model of Ashley Graham show that beauty does not have parameters, the stereotype of a female figure was so firmly rooted in consciousness that it was not easy to break it.

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The Dove brand together with Girlgaze and Getty Images developed a special project # poolenas whose goal is to show the natural female beauty that goes beyond glossy standards. The project has more than 5,000 shots, on which women are depicted as they are, without processing and retouching. Models are absolutely unlike each other, but each of them is beautiful. With such a variety it becomes difficult to determine what should be the perfect figure, hairstyle, complexion and skin color. And why?

Woman dreams to get married

This is probably the most common stereotype that has been planted by Soviet cinema. So, anfisa, the heroine of the film "Girl", explains the relationship of his neighbor Nadi with an adult pilieldrava Ksen Ksanach, the desire of a girl to get married and not stay lonely. In the course of the development of the plot, the skeptical attitude of the anfisa to love is changing, but the dreams of creating a family do not disappear anywhere: they continue to occupy a central place in the comedy and in the thoughts of girls.

Modern cinema is still rich in the stories where the girl meets a young man, is a series of tests and decides to tie his destiny with his beloved ("above the sky"). Films in which the whole life of the heroine focuses on building relationships with a man and marriage is (the "habit of part", "breathe with me", "sober driver").

However, there are pictures in which the departure from the usual schemes can be traced. A bright example can serve as a comedy "Marathon of Desires" 2020. The heroine of the film Marina on the advice of the girlfriend begins to record his dreams in a notebook. Her first record looks like this: "I want a wedding with Leschka at Elegance Restaurant." Next, the series of unpredictable events changes the worldview of the girl and leads it to an understanding that true happiness is much more than the notorious exchange of rings and all that came to her notebook so far, and the only wizard that can fulfill any desires - she herself . And if at the beginning of the film Marina is a stereotypical female image, then by the end of the history of the heroine becomes free from the prejudice to the hostess of his life.

The reality is that modern girls can separate priorities in different ways, and marriage will not always stand first in the list. Someone is important to realize yourself in the profession, creativity plays a key role for someone, someone can live with a partner for years without entering into marriage.

A woman can dream of marriage, and may not dream. And in any case will be right. Because life is not a movie, she has no script.

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These and many other ideas about what a woman should be, continue to broadcast from screens. However, it is worth remembering that the film's heroine is not a model for imitation. And only we decide: adapt to generalized ideas or maintain individuality. 5000 girls have already made their choice.

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