Best Books Coven


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On the nose premiums in the 12th time they chose the best books

In Moscow, the final debates and awarding the winners of the literary premium "Nose" were held in Moscow. Her winner was Alla Gorbunov, whose collection of stories "End of Light, My Love" bypassed nine other applicants. This is the second job of Gorbunova in prose (and its poems are published since 2003, she laureate the debut premiums in the nomination "Poetry" 2005), the first, "things and the grain", went three years ago and entered the short list "Nose" -2018. Then, Maria Stepanova, whose novel "Memory Memory" Members of the Jury and Prize Experts during the discussions were called the phenomenon of modern Russian literature and the main statement of recent years.

"The end of the world, my love" is written from the first person, on the first pages it may be the impression that this is a book about the childhood and adolescence of the author who came to the 1990s. About this time Gorbunova says not so much fixing events and describing everyday life as trying to catch sensations and their feelings. But then the genre is changing: the main character appears a twin, and the story itself is transformed from the memories of fiction.

How to get 700,000 rubles. For literature

The winners of the "nose" are determined in several stages. First, applicants submit an application for participation through the form on the Fund's website. Then the Long List is published, from which the awards jury on open debates is a list of finalists. Owner of the main prize of 700,000 rubles. Determine the totality of votes: members of the jury, experts and (cumulative) spectators and laureates of the past years premiums are given consistently for applicants (one or two).

In addition to the main winner, the owner of the prize of the critical community (and critics in their choice are completely autonomous from the jury, even the short sheet form their own) and the prize of reader sympathies. They are handed over cash prizes of 200,000 rubles. This year, critics gave the prize Polina Barskovaya for the novel "Seventh alkali: texts and fate of blockade poets."

From 2019, not only Moscow, but also regional debates - the pilot project became "Volga / Nose" in Nizhny Novgorod. In the course of their own debates, the jury of the award chose the book Shamshad Abdullayev "Another South". The prize of reader sympathies won the Roman "Sato" Ragim Jafarov.

The "nose" premium is awarded since 2009 at the initiative of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Every time it is emphasized that its task is not only and not so much to choose the best authors and note their work, how much to formulate, where modern Russian literature is moving, what themes are worried about and in what language she speaks about them. Hence the name "nose", which is deciphered as "new literature" and "new sociality". And hence the premium format is an open debate at the stages of formation of a short sheet and determining the winner. According to the founders of the "Nose", it was during public debates that should be formulated, to be explained (including themselves) not only the advantages or disadvantages of the nominees of each year, but in general, the processes occurring in the Russian and world literature, society and the surrounding world.

Note some trends attended this time. Although the chairman of the jury - Philologist Konstantin Bogdanov emphasized that no one would not have become specifically to reach the short list before compliance with the current agenda.

Nevertheless, the finalists and together, and apart somehow stacked in current concepts.

The situation last manifested itself and confirmed the situation of last year - in the field of view, the jury came genrely completely different things (according to the terms of the award, any prosaic work, FIKSHN or non-Fikshn, any genre and format) can participate. And last year, not only "ordinary" books competed, but also, for example, a book - a comment on the novel and a collection of journalistic articles. This is obviously puzzled by the jury, and then they diverged that something should be done with it. The applicants of this year are no less diverse: a collection of stories united in a solid work, a biography, told by the Sovreme Arts of the Hero, and even comic. But this year, such a difference was absolutely not perceived by the problem, even on the contrary: it looked like something of granted.

"I hope not to explain why this is literature,"

This approach is fully fit into global processes and literature, and cultures in general - everywhere the boundaries of genres are becoming more and more blurred, and many rules are revised.

Plots of book books are also not diverted with questions that are now on the first lanes. "Doggystan" - comic artists Vitaly Terletsky and Kati (this is an artist's pseudonym, without last name) about the fictional country, whose way reminds Northern Korea. "Totalitarianism for the smallest", as they called the book during the debate, surprised her consistency of the past year. "The seventh alkali: the texts and fate of the blockade poets" Barskaya and the winner's book are attempts to look back in the past and comprehend traumatic experience in a new way, find a new language for him. "The days of our life" Mikita Franco - the story of a boy who is brought up in the same-sex family. Etc.

Read books, they are still answers to all questions, as if resembles a premium.

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