Wives from the Garem of the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire


As the legendary kinheroy said, Comrade Sukhov: "East is a delicate, Petruch!" And was absolutely right. The tradition of harem in the eastern rulers is rooted in a very oldest past. According to the legend, a thousand wives and concubines in Harem had a thousand wives and concubines, most likely it is an exaggeration, but who knows. In this regard, the achievement of the first Sultan Osmanov Ahana I Gazi was much more modest and all the same women had five, although some consider four, the number The same concubines are not subject to account. Who were these women?

The hostage of fate is the doomed on the abduction

Now, almost forgne, it became known that the Niluofer - the mother of inherited the throne of Sultan Murada I was not the first wife of Orhans. Asset - this is the name of the first spouse, at that time only the future Sultan Orhans. Her story began with her abduction from his own wedding. Contrary to the legend that exitted in the Middle Ages, she did not accountever the daughter of the emperor of Byzantium Andronicus III or Andronicus II. Nowhere in the Byzantine chronicles about this marriage is not mentioned. Well, the main chronicler from the Ottoman side of Ashikpashazade believed that she did not pray to be a daughter of these emperors, comparing the age of her children and the age of the named self-containers of Byzantium.

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Artist Fabio Fabbi "Output"

It was called to the marriage of Holifira (Glafira), she was a notable Grechany, a daughter of the governor of one of the fortified cities-fortresses of Yarhisar, on the border with the troubled tribes of Seljuk, headed by Ottoman. While the girl thought about the future wedding with the governor of the neighboring city of Belendzhik, her father, consistent with her future husband, decided to call Omman I Gazi to the wedding. Not in friendship, but in the hope of weak security and the relaxation of the guest to kill him and forever decide the question of the threat of capturing their cities. I just turned out to be more informed about the plans for myself than that I would like to conspiracres. He attacked both cities immediately, starting in the cities of his selected warriors under the guise of his suite accompanying. By his signal, the main forces broke into the city. Both fortresses fell, and Holifira became a captive, but married to the son of Osman - Orhan and was forced to accept Islam, having received the name of the excavation. After even her biography and the whole story with kidnapping and origin will be assigned to another wife. , also Grechanka, Mother Sultan Murada I. which was a rooted concubine from Orhan, but was able to become a legitimate wife, and their son inherited the throne. The following Sultans, in favor of their ambitions, it was necessary to "adjust" the nobility of the kind. So the woman became a victim of kidnapping, as in life - being abducted from his wedding and becoming his wife was committed by another man in about 1299, and after death - having lost their biography in favor of the interests of the dynasty, more than 150 years.

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Orhan Gazi.

Slavic Princess - Wedding as a pledge of a political conspiracy

The time of the Board of Orhans Ottoman Sultanat is the time of the extreme exacerbation of nationalism in Byzantium, the national question inappropriately raised centuries ago led to the hostility of the common people who considered themselves Romanes - citizens of the second Rome, sharing them on the "titular" nation - Greeks and all the rest. Grekov The Balkans at that time were completely separated from the empire and founded their states, even encroaching on the seizure of Byzantium itself, it is possible to hear in detail about these events in the documentary film Tikhon Shevkunov "The death of the empire. Byzantine lesson. "Actual plans Intrived and Stephen Urosh IV Dusan King Serbia. Encouraged with Orhahan I, they decided to jointly seize Constantinople. Even though Most recently, Orhan supported in the civil war of Emperor Byzantia John VI in the civil war and helped him take the throne. The Magranty of the political conspiracy of the two Vladyk was the marriage of Orhans with the daughter of the Serbian king Theodore, which will call theodore Hatun. High, young, statutory, blocked princess Christian, the daughter of the Serbian monarch and the Bulgarian princess will be another wife in a harem in 1342, but not long to stay in favorites. Clearing was revealed, Akhan agents were intercepted, and Sultan himself decided not to deal With the Serbs and even began to supply Yanychar in Maschar, to help the Byzantine emperor in the fight against Serbs and Bulgarians. Tyodora-Hatun "Colebel Eyes", recalling the failure and held the rest of his life in the distance from the mercies of Sultan, as they say "from the eye From the heart of Won. "

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Jean-Baptiste-Ange Tissier "Suite Sultan"

Venetian spouse of Orhans, daughter of Emperor Byzantium

In the state of affairs on the political arena between the Ottoman Sultanat and Byzantium of that time, a shaky truce came. As a sign of the conclusion of the Treaty on military and political cooperation, Emperor Byzantium John Vi issues his venance daughter - Princess Feodoro married Sultan Ahana I. Fucking May 1346, before the fall of Constantinople remained less than a hundred years. Each rulers have pursued their goals and objectives. Byzantine emperor wanted to wake up military support for Ottomans in the fight against European and Balkan countries. Orhahan saw the prospects for obtaining the throne of Byzantium and Constantinople through the heir. The manner of modern historians, in particular Leslie Pierce adhere to the opinion that the Princess of Feodor's princess worked on the creation of strong relationship with the ruling circles of Byzantium. Her son from marriage with Orhahan, Shehzade Khalil, was combined with a marriage with Irina Paleolog, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor John V Paleologist.

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Italian artist Fabio Fabbi "Output"

There is also the opinion that the son of Orhan, who he fabriced and who headed the major military operations - Suleiman Pasha, is their child. Although the dates such assumptions may be erroneous. In any case, Suleiman Pasha died in an accident. And according to the official Turkish version, the true son of Theodora Cantakuzina was executed, in order to avoid competition, the new Sultan Murad I.A. All the ambitious plans of the Byzantine princess to become the mother of Sultan and the government of Sultanat collapsed. Beardless Grechany-concubine Nilufer Hatun, endowed with the "working legend" of a noble origin, which was also assigned the role of Mother Suleiman-Pashi. This can be read about this in detail in the work of Leslie Pier "Secrets of Eastern Harem".

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Emile Lecomte-Vernet "Ottoman Girl"

Other wives

The rest of his wives became known only by the names mentioned in the gift and other documents, here they are: Bilun Hatun / Baylong Hatun, Melek Hatun, EphanDes Hatun. The last name is possible belongs to the Byzantine Princess Theodore, as some researchers believe. What conclusion can be made from the history of Sultan's wives? Whatever time, relying a woman, and indeed a person can only on his own strength and mind. Neither successful relationship nor the patronage of strong dynasties nor natural beauty nor excellent education gives automatically the right to the honorable place in this life. It has "bypassed the story of the history of famous wives Sultan" bypassed "a simple Greek. Easy in status, but not by abilities and women's mind. The famous rivals went into oblivion of history, and their sons were executed by the son of a more fortunate rival. From the other wives there is only a name, without a trace. Literature:

  1. Iskander Mamedov "Flowering and collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Women in power "
  2. Leslie Pierce "As a European slave has become the queen of the Ottoman Empire"; "The Secrets of Eastern Harem."
  3. Godfrey Goodwin "Hidden World of Ottoman Women"
  4. Petrosyan Yu. A. Ottoman Empire
  5. Documentary film Tikhon Shevkunova "The death of the empire. Byzantine lesson. "

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