Additional education for the third millennium children


When it comes to learning children who have to use their knowledge for the benefit of progress already tomorrow (and it, as always, will come suddenly and faster than it seems), the banal phrase "Life is not on the spot" acquires a bright meaning.

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Technologies have so entrenched in our reality that modern children are born with an understanding of their essence at an intuitive level. So, their further development implies the introduction of much more complex tasks and the use of radically new methods and tools than those that are set and used at the basic level of compulsory education.

Nevertheless, the change in school curricula in the direction of complication is not foreseen (fortunately, or to unhappiness - time will show), since general education is for everyone. But talents need a base for disclosure. This means that all the hopes for the future prosperity are associated with the additional formation of the younger generation. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know what has already been done in this direction, where and how today children are mastering the profession of the future.

New reality - a new approach to upbringing and learning

Each game has a rules, and new "toys" of children - part of an adult real life: a yield of a 2-3 year old child in the world "web" we compare with his self-walking along the busy megalopolis avenue at the time of "Peak", without the knowledge of the rules and non-escort Adults.

The fact that children are now mastering smartphones and tablets earlier than the alphabet and even oral speech skills, adults are no longer surprising. Modern technological "toys" help parents to captivate the baby, barely freed from the diaper while adults are busy with their affairs. Children come to the first class, already masking the basic level of PC proficiency and becoming acquainted with the "world web" in many details.

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Unfortunately, during this dating, the adults most often remain aside: after all, their main goal is to captivate the child, giving their gadget, and to immerse yourself in their own concerns. This is the main negative: the dive of a child in a virtual world, where, of course, it is possible to find a lot of useful, with uncontrolled access to the network, it is spontaneously and not specifically, which is fraught with the acquisition of useless and even harmful knowledge for a non-informed person.

Of course, the technological age has its advantages: with the help of the Internet it is easier to develop a child, and also to show him where you can find useful information that meets his hobbies and abilities.

People of the older generation only seems to be that modern children have too much mental load at school. And they have long been different: multitasking, active, requiring not only inflow of information in the form of lectures and morals, but also evidence tested in practice. They need the fact that the school, given the versatile individual interests of each student, until it can provide, although IT clubs, the quantoriums in schools appear much more often. Only children need to be directed, push and suggest where they can quench their thirst for knowledge and find the use of their irrepressible energy.

Ministry of Education - Starting with Time

The implementation of the project "Education", partly, accelerated "Relenchais", which had to translate entire regions to online training. For what, accordingly, it took urgently to create new educational Internet platforms.

Now your own accounts of the Ministry of Education are created in all social networks, where you can find out the latest news first hand. Monitoring shows that the number of users is more than a million Russians:

  • Pupils of schools and students under 18 - 13%,
  • People in the age category 35-45 years - 27%,
  • Older than 45 years - 16%.

However, 1 million Russians involved in the online educational process is not enough for 146 million people. What is the reason for the passivity of citizens, still have to deal.

But it can be unambiguously noted that the multi-million presence of children and adults in social networks is not connected with the poor quality of the Internet (or lack of coverage in the most hard-to-reach corners of the country), but with low interests of citizens with new educational technologies that the Enlightenment Office is provided with the support of the Russian Government.

Meanwhile, numerous teaching esters that started in March 2020 (when the whole country went to the remote) and are available to all, they work on an ongoing basis, and everyone may find an interesting topic for themselves:

  • Change profession or improve the qualifications;
  • View the Ether "Show of Professions" with the child, and expand his horizons, an idea of ​​the professions of the future;
  • To join a healthy lifestyle with the programs "Be Health" or "Sport is life!";
  • Learn about the opening of the new Growth Centers and choose a suitable direction for self-development, etc.
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Until the final date of implementation of the National Project "Education" remained 3 years - more than half of the way were passed, about 3,000 centers were opened in 81 in the region of Russia and more than 5,000 in rural schools and small cities. In these centers - new equipment, "according to the latest technology".

But it is important that this desire appears in adults. It bothers that from 32.86 million children under the age of 18 and 1.255 million teachers in Russia, not counting young people under the age of 30 (and this is about 30 million people), Internet portals of the Ministry of Education visits only a million users. Apparently, the creation of material conditions "from above" and the efforts of the department of education be in the trend is not enough.

True, other educational portals are working on VKontakte sites, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Tiktok, where the number of schoolchildren, youth and teachers is extremely difficult with the educational purpose. Nevertheless, the digital environment has unwanted side effects, and it seems to work in social networks, not only children, but also teachers.

"Kwancer" - an alternative for the future

Sooner or later, the pandemic will end, and with it - training in social networks. Children and adolescents want real communication and practical skills. And here it will be very useful to the STEM approach in learning. 5 years ago, a new model of additional education of children is a strategic initiative approved by the President of the Russian Federation, with a practical guidance for new knowledge and the solution of the most difficult tasks, paved the way to schoolchildren of the third millennium to a new level of technical development and the disclosure of creative, scientific potential.

"Quantoriums", as an affordable and effective model of education, are available for cloning in all corners of Russia. Their advantage - in the reality of the surveyed skills of collective creativity.

Technopark - an excellent opportunity not only to look at the monitor, as a chemical reaction occurs, but also to put such experience (and practice is the best way to understand and memorize). In technology parks, any directions are available:

  • For future energy;
  • For passionate fans of smart technologies;
  • Future creators of industrial robotics;
  • For designers;
  • Developers of nanomaterials;
  • Cosmonautics - a new era of the conquerors of the universe, etc.

Last year in the capital, within the pilot project, IT-classes earned, whose graduates will be able to qualify for training in the university according to the appropriate profile. The purpose of creating such classes is the concentration of the most talented and passionate children who want to continue their training on a special program and have already made a professional choice. IT classes are still created for high school students, and the in-depth level of prefest preparation is carried out until 6 main areas:

  • Information Security;
  • Programming;
  • Modeling and prototyping;
  • Communication technology;
  • Robotics;
  • Large data technology.

In these areas, it can be judged which professions will be in demand in the near future. Moreover, the creation of IT polygons with computer systems and a material base for robotics, no doubt that everything is serious and forever, and soon such classes will be created in all subjects of the Russian Federation. Of course, the directions of in-depth study will expand.

In the meantime, on social networks and on official portals, you can check out news about the upcoming changes in education and discuss the upcoming changes in Telegram or Odnoklassniki, choosing your profession of the future.

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