How much do you need to make squats for health after 50 years


Many will seem strange, but the squats are not included in the status of the GTO. Although these exercises really verify the physical condition of the person. But there are no standards for squats, then what is worth navigating, performing an exercise?

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Opinion experts

Despite the lack of standards, one can listen to the opinion of experts. There is a book of Academician Amosov "1000 movements", this book clearly indicates that the squats must be made 100 times every day. Make this exercise the right number of times is quite difficult, but it is precisely that such indicators should strive.

Professor Neumyvakin created his healing system, in which 100 squats also appear. It is allowed to perform them, adhering to anything, can be divided into several approaches or to execute in one.

But there are exceptions. The well-known cartoonist artist Boris Efimov did 450 squats every day! And all this in the morning. By studying gymnastics, the artist lived up to 108 years. Such physical exertion can not perform anyone, but to make 100 squats are available to almost everything.

Of course, it is worth saying that there are contraindications, such as pregnancy, disorders of musculoskeletal functions, fractures and stretching. In other cases, squats are huge benefit. Especially people whose age switched to 50 years. This exercise strengthens the muscles, develops joints, normalizes blood pressure.

Use of squats

Squats help strengthen the lower part of the body. They make the thigh and buttocks work. After squatting muscles become stronger, and therefore movements will be more coordinated, it will help significantly reduce the risk of injury to the joints.

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Also, squats affect the muscles-stabilizers responsible for equilibrium and mobility. During every day, it can expand the amplitude, which means you can sit below. Sit after 50 years help not only restore the beauty of the shape, but also to strengthen health.

Squats improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, normalize the function of respiratory organs. Many believe that the squats destroy the knee joints, but the studied studies refute this theory.

It was revealed, the ligaments adapt to the loads and help to determine with an additional weight, the muscle fibers work in the same way. Eliminated squats can only if the exercise exercise technique is broken.

It is forbidden to nag with high weights so that at the same time the knees went out of the fingers. It is also worth paying special attention to the back, it should not be cut down and overly inclined forward. Lifting, it is necessary to push yourself with heels, evenly distributing the body weight.

Also, squats help rapid foods from the body. They remove toxins, improve lymphotok, help deliver nutrients to cells of vital organs. Starting squats follows from 20-30 per day, gradually reaching hundreds.

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