The main rules for the cultivation of a large yield of tomatoes, and not foliage


Good afternoon, my reader. It is unlikely that someone from the dacrooms grows tomatoes for their green bushes. Everyone wants to collect rich yields. But oddly enough, but the more vegetable mass, the less tomatoes on the bush. We will tell how to make the plants put all the power of growing fruit, and not in foliage.

The main rules for the cultivation of a large yield of tomatoes, and not foliage 24354_1
The main rules for the cultivation of a large yield of tomatoes, and not foliage Maria Verbilkova

And these steps need to be taken:

  1. Preparing a greenhouse for tomatoes, do not put a lot of organic fertilizers in the ground. The plant will use their excess to the growth of leaves and steps.
  2. After the tomato was landed, do not water it a couple of weeks. The moisture that was given to him when landing, enough for this time. A bush should let root down, and not in the upper layers of the earth. Surface roots will make a culture less resistant to disease.
  3. And in general, tomatoes love rare (once a week), but abundant watering. But still watch and do not allow the earth to dry, otherwise the plant can reset the color. This is especially true on hot days. You can determine the state of the soil by making a deepening of 15 cm. And if there is already dried up there, then boldly water.
  4. Limit, and it is better to exclude nitrogen fertilizers after planning tomatoes. These drugs cause the growth of green mass, not fruits.
  5. During the blooming of the second or third brush, the tomato should be sprayed with a weak solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 liters of water). This will increase the level of sugar in the fruits and strengthen the fruction of the bush.
  6. Arrange stressful conditions, cutting watering. At the same time, the plant will let all its strength on the continuation of the kind, namely the formation of fruits. After the ovings were formed, such a situation is unacceptable.
  7. Remove steps in time. Form the bushes in one or two trunk. For some varieties, it is permissible to leave three stems. In the greenhouses, steps are carried out once in 8-10 days, and in the open ground once.
  8. Also, periodically remove the foliage from bushes, especially this is relevant during fruiting. The lower leaves lying on Earth can generally cause tomato disease. But do it with accuracy on tomatoes in the open soil, because on the street foliage is a protector of fruits from the cold and the scorching sun.
  9. Sometimes tomatoes, mostly tall, begin to live and grow a long brush. It should be trimmed, leaving 7-8 bonds of berries.
  10. If you want the fruit to be well formed and grown large, then leave no more than six brushes on one barrel.
  11. The first barking feeder is carried out after the formation of the brushes. For this use potash, phosphoric, magnesium fertilizers. The lack of trace elements and magnesiums compensate for the foliage by these drugs. Also doubt the land after watering ashes.
  12. Dip tomatoes, such a procedure increases the formation of the roots. And this in turn gives strength to form a large number of high-quality, large fruits.
  13. In time, pinpoint tomato growth points. This is done at the end of July-August, it all depends on your region. Then the tomato will let all power on the extension of the mass of fruits.
The main rules for the cultivation of a large yield of tomatoes, and not foliage 24354_2
The main rules for the cultivation of a large yield of tomatoes, and not foliage Maria Verbilkova

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