Invasia Alien species due to global warming in Siberia will track the Council on Ecology

Invasia Alien species due to global warming in Siberia will track the Council on Ecology 2433_1

The main direction of the work of the Council is the proposals for the fundamental improvement of the environment through the management of ecosystems, the "Science in Siberia" portal reports.

"In my opinion, the most important tasks are the initiation, development and support of topical projects based on the involvement of the Siberia expert community, the coordination of research, the appeal in the structure of power, especially in terms of the environmental impact of new industrial and technological projects. Now, according to the law, these expertise are voluntary, they must be mandatory, "said the Deputy Chairman of the Council, director of the Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS" Academician Andrei Georgievich Degermenji. He noted in his report (see the presentation of the report can be referenced) that in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences there are grounds for all areas of research.

Under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors, ecosystem changes occur, leading to serious biological threats, which are accompanied by a violation of life cycles of various organisms, invasion of alien species and animal migrations, including the discharge of circulation of species in natural foci of diseases, which, in turn, creates Unforeseen risks for human vital activity.

A large amount of toxic compounds (both organic and inorganic nature) accumulates in ecosystems. The cycle of substances is also disturbed, which leads to a change in the habitat, including a person.

The Council consists of the "Water Ecosystem" sections, "Ground Ecosystems", "Mathematical Modeling", "Industrial Ecology", "Ecology of Cities". The number and directions of the activities of sections can be adjusted depending on the tasks that are within the competence of the Council's activities.

The main tasks of the PESVA - to formulate and convey to the authorities a coherent position of the scientific community on behalf of the SB RAS and RAS based on examination of scientific reports, coordination of research and development within government assumptions, engage in organizing and maintaining large projects at the board sections level to solve topical tasks with participation of institutes from wounds and other interested organizations and universities.

In addition, the task of the structure includes scientific expertise and submission to the Presidium of the SB RAS of expert opinions on major projects related to the use of natural resources, for other activities, legislative and regulatory initiatives of regional and federal scale.


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