Network users saw Mama Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino in a new world

Network users saw Mama Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino in a new world 24261_1

On Twitter and VKontakte, the family problems of heroes from Prostokvashino are burly discussing

The behavior of Moms, Uncle Fedor, Rimma, always caused the audience a bunch of questions. On the New Year holidays, many decided to revise the cartoon and saw it in a new way.

It all started with a screenshot laid out in a public vkontakte "Khakhaski", in which a certain twitter user wrote: "Every time I am amazed by my mother's mom Fedor: I set up a family hysteria since the morning on December 31st, and then I came at night alone in the snow-covered Moscow region skiing in Prostokvashino And the concert was recorded on the film. Normal at all? "

Under this post, the commentator Svetlana Eastokova proposed to look at the actions of Mom from a cartoon at a different angle. It turned out a whole fandom analysis.

"The concert on the film was filmed on this day, she did not know when finished, worried, then they pressed and she came to an empty apartment," began a customer Vkontakte. According to her, Rimma realized that no one would appreciate her success in his work, besides, nobody met her at home.

"And she turned out to be smarter, leaving for skiing, she would take a taxi, it would be stuck on the way as a crazy dad. Only crazy trampled to the apartment to repair the car, and then it's thinking about our expanses of unclean roads to the village on such a miracle, "Svetlana continued.

"She always behaved restrained and judiciously, all her desires were natural and adequate, and about Sochi, and about the blue light. And on that day, on December 31, it all began with the fact that it is already unknown how much time in the middle of the room stands on the old flavored shops, because of which the flowers were told, - recalled the commentation. "But she tolerates and is quite calm and logically leads with a crazy conversation." Then these two inadequate it is offered to this setting "get" another child. She remembers the first decree perfectly. But again she is calm and motivated all their words. "

"They fell and got into the village, without waiting for her from work, did not care how she would get, how he would hold a family holiday alone in an empty apartment, they just wanted and rushed. Egoists, they are accustomed that she is all for them, despite the fact that she also works in society, on a par, or even more academician, "is emphasized in the comments.

"One on the housework works until the husband or the newspaper is relying, or pile with scrap metal. But she goes to them through the darkness and frost, in the blizzard, skiing, comes up, speaks of his love, sings songs. A stunning woman, "Estokova concluded.

The rest of the subscribers died with a detailed analysis of Svetlana. Commentary overpowered by Pikabu, and the discussion went on Twitter on January 9. Post Frau Muller without a knife with Svetlana's comment Oriental liqueurized almost 30 thousand times.

"She is there the only adult character. A little more cat, but he has toxic friendship with a ball. So Mom Fedor is the role model in fact, "wrote one commentation.

"Mom Well done and everything does it right. Fills resources where it can. And the fact that the son was impatient to the village does not interfere with her to rush to the sea with her husband, "the character praised the other.

"The trouble is that this absurd laid from childhood a model for building a family and norms of society. Because, all of us, for the most part, since the small years, it was believed that Mom is a negative character, "said the participant of Treda.

But some users suggested that both parents of Uncle Fedor - Abusers and suffer to toxic behavior. Many continued to discuss other interesting moments in the cartoon, which turned out to be a lot: the transformation of the Appearance of the Rimma, someone else's middle name of the sister Uncle Fedor, unhealthy relations in the family, the problem with the constant shoots of Uncle Fedor, and so on. So the cartoon about the prostrozashino is just an unpached field for new detailed analysis.

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