Methods of combating rust on pear


    Good afternoon, my reader. Rust - a common disease to which a pear is exposed. If you do not take the necessary measures in time, you can lose from 5 to 100% harvest.

    Methods of combating rust on pear 24206_1
    Methods of dealing with rust in a pear Maria Verbilkova

    Rust - fungal disease, spreads against disputes and affects pear leaves, then fruits. Warm wet weather - favorable conditions for its development.

    To identify a disease and start an active struggle with her, you need to know the main signs:

    1. On young leaves after flowering, rounded stains of yellow appear.
    2. Then the rusty bugs (1 cm diameter). They ripen disputes that are spread by the wind. They germinate on the damaged bark of pear and juniper.
    3. Foliage falls.
    4. The same symptoms manifest themselves on stiffs, shoots, fruits.

    The disease reduces the immunity of the plant. It is not able to give a good harvest. The growth of shoots is oppressing, some dry out.

    Cycle of infection - up to two years.

    The main source of fungal disease is juniper. Rust disputes appear on it for the first time, mature and transferred to the pear. Special preparations for the treatment of the plant do not exist.

    The surest way to avoid rust is a permanent observation of a pear garden. When the first symptoms are detected, the affected shoots are cut and burned.

    To prevent this ailment, gardeners hold rules:

    1. Choose seedlings with high resistance to fungal diseases: sugar, gulaby, chizhovka, Naziri.
    2. At the beginning of the spring period, preventive garden treatment is carried out: spray plants with 1% burgundy liquid (or copper chlorine). Reception repeat when the trees begin to bloom, then at the end of flowering and 10 days after it.
    3. Do health trimming. Carefully cut out the shoots that have undergone disease. The skeletal branches are shortened, retreating from the hearth to 8 m. Then the wounds are cleaned up to healthy wood and processed with a copper vitrios of 5% and garden harr. To speed up tightening the wounds, processed by "heteroacexin", divorced according to the instructions. Cut infected branches burn.
    4. Preventive measures from rust and pasta. With the use of the drug "Raek" (1.5 ml per 10 liter of water) or "Sorrow" (2.5 ml per 10 liter of water). Spraying spend three times for the season: early spring, before the leaves appear, before and after flowering. The tool retains its effectiveness for 21 days.
    5. Several times in the season are treated with a pear with a solution of 0.4% of colloidal sulfur: during the appearance of the kidneys, before and after flowering, during the crush fruits, after the tree reset the whole foliage.
    Methods of combating rust on pear 24206_2
    Methods of dealing with rust in a pear Maria Verbilkova

    Another preventive folk remedy - to treat fruit trees in the infusion of ash woody:

    1. On 10 liters of water take 485 g of ashes. Insist for two days.
    2. The dung alive is bred by water in proportion 1: 2. Insist for at least 14 days.

    Processing is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Young trees - 5 l ins.
    2. Adults - 10 liters.

    Conduct preventive treatment and using some drugs. Follow the schemes:

    1. Early spring spray pear with a systemic fungicide "Sump" in combination with "phytolavine", destroying bacteria that contributes to the appearance of fungi. The solution is prepared according to the instruction.
    2. The end of May is the beginning of June. Processing with the composition of the "keeper", "Rakurs".
    3. End of August. Repeat the combination of "Skira" and "Phytolavin".
    4. Until the festy festy. Spraying with the drug "Revis". It helps the plant to restore immunity and prevents the development of fungi.

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