Oligarchs asked Putin trillions rubles


Oligarchs asked Putin trillions rubles 2416_1
Vladimir Putin

Vtimes found out that the financial and economic unit of the government thinks about the tax maneuver proposed by a large business to President Vladimir Putin. At a recent meeting with oligarchs, he called on a business to invest in Russia, and not abroad: "Better - to the house, here is calmer and more reliable." Calm and reliability The major business appreciated it was not suiced by requesting colossal tax benefits. Their price is trillion rubles - so high that even traditional antagonists, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance are opposed to with a similar position.

Putin's tax maneuver suggested a co-owner of the AEON group Roman Trotsenko - to free from the tax half of the profit, which companies spend on construction and modernization, and in return to raise from 17% to 19% the regional part of the income tax, and the entire tax, respectively, to 22%. He also proposed to give the regions the right to cancel real estate tax, again, replenished the benefit of increasing income tax by 2 percentage points.

On Friday, the maneuver was discussed at the meeting at the First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov. It did not work out to agree, they tell the federal official, as well as a person close to one of the meeting participants. Find a solution to avoid the growth of the load on business and loss of the budget, until it can, says one of them. Pay for the maneuver will have to or regions, or to the business itself, and only a few investment projects will benefit from it, a member of the meeting agrees. The business itself could not agree, says another meeting of the meeting. If some of the companies are needed additional benefits, it can always be discussed with the region, and not to reform for everyone, he retells the position of one of the entrepreneurs. The representative of the Ministry of Finance has not yet responded to the VTIMES request.

This was the first meeting of the Working Group on Investment Development, the representative of Belousov explained. The meeting participants discussed the tax stimulation of investments, she said, now business together with the Ministry of Economic Development will work its options, will calculate their impact on the growth of investment and budget.

Obviously, in the configuration proposed now, this mechanism cannot be implemented, because it will lead to serious income income regions, and may also affect the current investment projects, says the representative of the Ministry of Economic Development. The ministry together with the business will modify the model.

Deduction in exchange for profit

Investment benefits will cost the budget in almost 1 trillion rubles. And most of the losses will carry the regions - about 800 billion rubles, talks about the settlements of the Ministry of Economic Development Member of the Meeting. Increased profit tax compensates for only half of the loss. At the same time, the budgets of the minority of the regions will benefit - with a small income tax and small investments, and even about 5 billion rubles. But the regions where business actively invests will lose - for example, Moscow will lose almost 250 billion rubles.

To compensate for common losses, the regional profit tax rate will have to raise from 17% to 23%, and so that no region does not lose in income - up to 31%, calculated the Ministry of Economic Development.

How to work investment deduction

In Russia, there is already an investment tax deduction. Up to 90% of the costs of the decision of the region, it is possible to subtract from the regional part of the tax, 10% from the federal. If you deduct more tax, then unused part of the benefits can be transferred to the following years. But the regions do not give benefit or establish such rules that are practically impossible to fulfill, the Dentons Partner Vasily Markov notes.

Real estate more important profits

It does not compensate for the proposed increase in income tax and the abolition of real estate tax, which asked for business. The common losses of the regions will be almost 400 billion rubles, it tells one of the officials on the calculations of the Ministry of Economic Development. And again, these losses will fall into part of the regions - some receive more real estate tax, while others are on profits.

To avoid losses, the regional part of the income tax will have to raise from 17% to 22%, and this time Moscow will benefit more than others. And so that no region does not lose - the rate should rise immediately to 43%. Additional load on business will increase in this case by about 4 trillion rubles.

The benefits proposed by the business are beneficial to units of investment projects, says the Member of the Meeting of Belousov. At the time of launching a draft tax on property and for profit, there is almost no or not at all, he explains, but they will suffer more mature projects that are already making a profit - and this is a negative signal for those who invest in them and risks for regions. The maneuver will lead to the unbalance of the budgets of the regions, will have to seriously increase the tax on the whole business, since there are no resources in the budget, as a result, one of the officials will benefit from maneuver. "We are now not in position when you can give benefits," Alexei Sazanov said earlier.

Why business maneuver

Now all companies pay one income tax regardless of investment, spoke at a meeting with Putin Trotsenko (his words are given on the site Kremlin.ru). Investment deduction is valid only until 2027, its size is small, he complained, but determines who can and can it even get it, regions. Real estate tax is too expensive business. The more companies are investing in real estate, the more they pay, explained Trotsenko, the average investment project pays off in 10-12 years, taking into account loans and depreciation, 20-25% of the project costs in the form of property tax.

On the risks for the budget, officials warned Putin and during the meeting. Profit is a conjunctural tax, today there is, and tomorrow there is no, because the situation changes, and property tax is stable, the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov said. And in general, in Russia there is no shortage of investment support tools - you only need to use them, he noted. On risks In connection with the abolition of real estate tax, the Minister of Economic Development of Maxim Reshetnikov was warned: "I am afraid, we simply disrupt the overall design from the point of view of budget sustainability."

If you cancel the tax tax, income tax and will increase without changing the bet (20% of property tax can be subtracted when calculating income tax), says TaxAdvisor Manager Dmitry Kostalgin. The growth of income tax will put many in an unequal position, marks notes, there are companies that have no property, but there is profits, and vice versa. The logic of the regulating tax function will be broken, it will summarize.

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