Results and forecasts from SKB-Bank: Digital Profile, Map of Uraltsa and Marketplace


Results and forecasts from SKB-Bank: Digital Profile, Map of Uraltsa and Marketplace 24100_1
Provided by the Bank

Key events in 2020

It must be said that the outgoing year was not easy, and SKB-Bank set itself the task of implementing projects that were necessary to citizens in the current situation.

2020 was remembered, first of all, the technological breakthrough - we were the first in the Urals connected to the public service - a digital profile of a citizen. We have embedded in our submission application for credit through the website of the SCB-Bank website with the help of the public service account, thus the remote submission of an application for credit is available without information references. Customers are actively used by this option: the bank has already received more than 120 thousand applications with data from a digital profile. This shows that the level of confidence in this kind of possibilities is growing.

In addition, we were among the first to join the Marketplayer of the Bank of Russia and the Moscow Exchange "Finiss", where the contribution of "My Charm", specially proposed by the SKB-bank for this site. All this is aimed at simplifying the interaction of the client-bank and eliminating the need for extra visits to the office. It's all very convenient: no matter what point in the world and in which time zone you are, because having an internet connection, you can make most of the operations that may be required from the bank. And the mobile application of SKB-online is among the top ten according to Markswebb.

This year, SKB-Bank supported the project-significant project of a single social map of Uralts (ECC) and has already begun issuing maps wishing. With the help of the ECC, residents of the region will be able not only to receive benefits, pensions and other payments, but also to pay for goods, public transport, as well as utility services, Internet, mobile communications in the Internet bank and mobile application SKB-Bank, use discounts, bonuses and special offers from popular trading networks - project partners.

The market will develop more and more in the direction of contactless service, which is given technological solutions. Customers will no longer need to go to the bank branch, wait in the queues, nervous ... This does not mean that the standard offices will go away, but more and more services can be performed online. This is a leading trend that does not just dictate the situation in the world - this is the convenience of consumer and an explicit advantage for many. Of course, no one takes the need to meet with a real manager in a bank, but digitalization will definitely give the opportunity to no longer observe the queue in the cash register or terminals.

Also, do not forget that there is a systematic decline in the key of the key rate by the Bank of Russia, which leads to a decrease in interest rates on loans and deposits. For the owners of deposits, the situation is not the most pleasant, but this trend is of interest in investing. On the other hand, the attractiveness of lending, refinancing previously taken loans, mortgages. The line of mortgage programs is updated, now rates for lending, more than ever, pleasant.

Read more about the results of 2020 and on forecasts for 2021, you can read in our heading "Results 2020".

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