Not only trolleybuses: what other items of urban life will not see our children

Not only trolleybuses: what other items of urban life will not see our children 24062_1
Not only trolleybuses: What other urban life items will not see our children Dmitry Eskin

Last year, Muscovites finally said goodbye to the trolleybuses. The following generations will look at them in the museums of the transport history, as we look at the locomotive. But in addition to trolley buses, there are other things that are completely familiar to us that are just now disappearing from megacities. Time Out looks into the future and predicts, with which we will part in the coming decades.

Metro wagons with sofas and linker trim

Blue wagons with a white "checkmark" on the doors have long been a symbol of the Russian subway. The most famous of them are "E" type wagons, which until recently could be found almost every line. Inside - Walls, upholstered with yellow linker, warm light of incandescent lamps and long sofas, which could fit from five to seven people, depending on the physique.

Later, the walls of the walls in the wagons became plastic for the considerations of fire safety (the linker is easily flammable), and the sofas were replaced by "anti-vandal" single seats. The main reason was that the leather upholstery was loved to cut hooligans, after which the entire sofa came into dissent. In addition, single seats once again resemble lovers to take more location or things - about respect for neighbors. And in some seats, the seats began to divide the handrails so that no one could lie on them with their feet.

Today, all these wagons are removed from operation, and you can see such an interior only in the "Sokolniki's retro-hour". This is the composition, repeating the appearance of trains of type "A" from the 1930s, which was launched as an attraction in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Moscow metro. You can drive in it in the falcon line at any time of the day, some special schedule it does not have.

The train is painted in the original white-brown color, and inside, in addition to yellow walls and sofas, there are even Soviet lamps. However, in detail, historical accuracy was still broken: for example, window frames and edging doors were wooden, and now made of aluminum and plastic.

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Unfortunately or fortunately, the famous five-story buildings, also known as Khrushchev, will soon disappear from Moscow forever. The renovation program began several years ago began in the 1990s and will again remind himself.

Mass building houses 1957 - 1968, initially calculated for 20-30 years of operation, are in fact almost 70, not one generation of Muscovites has grown in them, and to present the capital, like any other Russian city, it seems impossible without them. But despite the fact that the exact timing of the end of the renovation is unknown, it is already clear that a couple of dozen years old Khrushchev will not live, and soon their high-rise buildings will completely replace them.

Approximately the same fate waits and later panel houses - Brezhnevka. But the preceding Stalinist development decided not yet to touch. Stalinkam prophesy a longer life, and it is more profitable to repair than to demolish. There is a possibility that in the future they will be assigned the status of architectural monuments, and they will be protected, as pre-revolutionary buildings are guarded.

And the demolished Khrushchev will acquire their museum - Moscow historians are expressed by such an idea, which consider typical housing 60-minded reservoir of the city's culture.

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Another element of the city infrastructure, without which the Soviet people did not think, almost forgotten today - a taxone. With the course of history, its appearance has changed more than once: buttons came to replace the disk, and the payment method passed from kopecks to the tokens, and from the toyons - on phone cards.

Massly disappear from the cities, the payphones began to "zero" when mobile communications appeared. So the eyelid of emotions experienced in the booths, and now payphones are more connected with artistic works, where they are given a plot role than with real life. For example, when discussing the disappearance of payphones from cities, someone will certainly remember the film "Matrix" and noted that now it's not to get out of the matrix, because the heroes did it with the help of telephone booths.

Nevertheless, about 2.2 thousand taxophiles continue to work in Moscow today. And since 2019, Rossvyaz did all calls from them free, which even increased the frequency of their use in some cities of Russia. Do not forget that somewhere due to the payphones - the most accessible means of communication. However, in Moscow, they have long been crowded with mobile phones and even stopped wondering, therefore their amount will decline every year.

Machines with rhums

This comes, of course, about mechanical vending machines. More recently, these were practically in every supermarket: omit the coin with a par with two or five rubles, turn the lever and get a chewing or jumper.

Now it has become more difficult to find such machines, and they bring pleasure much less. First, it is no longer five, but ten, or even twenty rubles. Find the right amount of coins and part with it is not so easy. Secondly, low demand makes the chewing gum wait for its turn for more than a month, and, most likely, you will fall out hardened and tasteful candy. Thirdly, such machines are very easy to crack: on any request associated with them, the search engines give up dozens of video about how to fool the primitive machine. Finally, several years ago, the owners of vending machines faced the law on online cash desks. And although later the problem was solved, many of them managed to disappear from the stores.

All this led to the fact that mechanical machines with chewing gum gradually become the attribute of the past. Other, more familiar vending machines come to their place. In large highlighted "boxes" for sale all: from the same sweets and soda to cosmetics and technology. And you can pay in them a bank card, which is much more convenient in the age of non-cash payments.

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The first mailbox in Moscow appeared in 1848. Then the choice of means of communication in the citizens was small: in addition to mail, it was possible to take advantage of the telegraph. And although it is still early to talk about the order of the postal case now, it is obvious that with the spread of the Internet, the popularity of the postal correspondence falls from year to year.

Nostalging romance and postcrossors continue to send greeting cards and letters in small envelopes, but it does not save solitary mailboxes from dismantling. Recently, their disappearance from the streets was celebrated in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, and in other cities. This is compensated by a large number of post offices: the transporters are easier to collect letters along with the parcels, and the senders themselves find the email separation is much easier than the usual box that can hang anywhere.

However, so far the life of mailboxes continues. Recently in Moscow appeared boxes of new colors other than the blue usual. Red boxes are designed for shipments only at Moscow addresses, and yellow - for the express departures of the first class. Such a separation existed in the USSR, and now returned to the city as a test project.

Homeless animals and birds

Homeless animals - a problem with which the city authorities are already fighting for a decade, but in the near future she has every chance of being resolved. In the "zero" stray dogs could be found almost every subway station. The headlines are also reported on the cases of the attack, and in 2009 a pack of dogs even penetrated Vnukovo airport, preventing his work.

But in 2019, the number of homeless dogs decreased to three thousand. And not barbaric shootings were helped at all, but shelters in which dogs sterilize and thereby prevent the emergence of new homeless animals. In addition, volunteers of the shelters actively help them find the owners. So the next generation is likely to be much less susceptible to the film fob and never knows about vaccinations from rabies.

In good hands: whom you can pick up from shelters

Together with the Foundations "to the Future", "All World" and private curators, Time Out continues to be a weekly heading, which tells about animals from the shelters looking for the house right now. Perhaps among them there is one who is waiting for you.

Where sadness looks like a sparrows. Unlike dogs and cats, their presence is only welcome by citizens, but every year in Moscow is becoming less and less sparrow. This is explained by different reasons: birds leave the place of installation of cellular tapes, do not want to have nests among noise and dirty air. Yes, and in new houses with smooth walls it is not at all as simple as in the cracks and on the balconies of the same Khrushchev. Cleaning streets: It would seem that such an obvious plus, like the absence of crowded garbage tanks, for sparrows means the absence of affordable food.

So find sparrows in Moscow will soon become an impracticable task. But the reduction was touched by not all urban birds: for example, the titles and ducks are still not threatened, and Dyatlov, according to Ornithologists, in recent years has become even more.

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In the design of the article, photos from open sources and from Depositphotos were used.

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