Vintage from diseases - most efficient drugs


    Good afternoon, my reader. When growing in its own segment of grape vines, it is important to ensure timely and high-quality care for this culture, which necessarily includes a system of measures oriented to combat a variety of diseases.

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    Vintage from diseases - most effective preparations of Maria Verbilkova

    Grapes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Although grapes refers to a list of sufficiently unpretentious crops with good immunity, this plant can be amazed by some kinds of diseases, which leads to a deterioration in growth processes and a reduction in yield.

    The main feature of the disease serves the appearance of an ash fleet of the vineyard. This is a dangerous fungal mycelium. If you do not fight with an infection, it quickly spreads and can lead to the death of the vine, which fades, and then dries.

    This fungal dangerous disease is also called Mildew. The infection gradually affects the entire vine of grapes, except the roots. Manifested in young leaves by chlorotic rounded marks. Bottom appears a light fluffy flaw. The affected fabrics are gradually necrotized. On the leaves that have already completed development, Mildya is manifested in mosaic form.

    A sign of the disease on buds and strings is gray rot. Berries that have joined the ripening period are covered with brown rot, then shrink and mummified. Exacerbates the problem excessive soil moisture and the surrounding atmosphere.

    On the leaf plates appear protruding black small marks. Stems are gradually covered by deep cracks. Vine at high humidity rotates. If it is hot dry weather, the plants dry out. On the berries, necrosis is manifested in the form of brown dense spots.

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    Vintage from diseases - most effective preparations of Maria Verbilkova

    Grape diseases. (Photo used by standard license ©

    When drawing up a spraying plan, they are focused on the grape vines.

    In the spring, such results as "Vectra", "robes", "Cabrio Top" use in spring to spanking the kidneys. They allow to reduce the degree of development of fungal diseases. Success is used by iron vigor. The solution is prepared by a concentration of 3%.

    A comprehensive approach is required if an anthracnose or mildew is detected on the vineyard. In addition to spraying, it is too spring to make trimming with a subsequent garter, which reduces excessive landings and improve ventilation. And during the growing season, extra steps and leaves are removed, which create a shadow, negatively affecting the development of the plant. Must be cut and burned all the affected parts of the vine and the fallen foliage.

    In August, at the stage of berry formation, it is important to prevent the appearance of fungal infection. It is possible to dissolve the food soda and the powder of the economic soap (50 ml) in the decater tank with water and carry out irrigation of grape landings.

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    Vintage from diseases - most effective preparations of Maria Verbilkova

    Vintage. (Photo used by standard license ©

    It is not necessary on sections with a grape vines to neglect the spraying of fungicides or iron (3%) in the fall, when the harvest fee is fully completed. These activities make it possible to reduce the number of malicious insects, which are looking for a shelter in the ground, litter or in the cracks of the trunks. Spring vine will be more reliably protected from diseases.

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