Australia works out a navalized agenda: in the country they are looking for the Kremlin agents


Australia works out a navalized agenda: in the country they are looking for the Kremlin agents 24015_1

ABC News Australian News Agency has published an extensive article "Putin's patriots" in order to scare Australians to the presence of pro-Russian forces on the green continent.

The article begins: "Vladimir Putin wants to return Russia to Russia and is counting on support for Russians around the world, wherever they live." The analysts of the publication refer to the investigation of the "four angles", according to which the pro-Russian movements operating in Australia are nationalist groups. In this regard, ABC News journalists call on Australians to pay special attention to them.

For example, the club "Night Wolves", which is considered to be a favorite motoclombus Vladimir Putin. Journalists write that the Australian Club Division appeared in 2015 and today has up to 50 members. According to investigators, "Wolves" are in the new South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia.

The next society, which fell close attention to Australian journalists, is a "double-headed eagle." ABC News writes that this group is covered by studying history, and actually engaged in spying.

The thesis is supported by the words of the former analytics of Australian intelligence Kyle Wilson, who calls to consider the "double-headed eagle" in the context of the "hybrid" war or war "new generation" when disinformation is used as a weapon.

"The current leadership of Russia does not hide, which is in a state of war with, as it is expressed, the West," Wilson writes. At the same time, he claims that the Kremlin leads such an informational war that the Australian government will change its anti-Russian rhetoric on a friendly.

The Russian political scientist Ivan Arcats responded to the evaporate against Russians living on the Green Continent.

According to the expert, Australia exercises a disassembled agenda, since it is included in the intelligence alliance of five eyes. But at the same time, the Russian bikers and historians are confused with a more serious opponent like "ChvK Wagner".

Arkatov believes that, despite the "common dilution", an alarming bell is heard for Australian media rhetoric. "It is strange that we are accused of what we want to perceive Australia as a friendly country, probably, this contradicts some of their plans. I would not want our compatriots suddenly enrolled in terrorists, "the political scientist concluded.

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