Table grapes for middle strip: overview of the best varieties


    Grapes, which are often considered exclusively southern culture, can be fruitful in moderate climates. In order to be able to taste solar berries from its own harvest, only winter-hardy varieties of this culture should be grown in the middle lane of Russia.

    Table grapes for middle strip: overview of the best varieties 24008_1
    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Growing grapes (photo used by standard license ©

    This is a table grapes derived from crossing two varieties: Cardinal and Moldova. Thanks to high tasting estimates, Arkady is included in the top 10 of the best representatives of this culture.

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    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Grapes (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    The major fruits of the heart-shaped shape are painted in a bright green shade, have an incredibly sweet taste with a muscat note.

    In grapes with an early ripening time, strong immunity, high frost resistance and compatibility with most varieties (as a lead). The plant needs systematic feeding and moderate moisturizing of the soil.

    A highly developed vine of this variety is used not only as a source of high crop, but also for landscaping the site. Large white berries with a sizh bloom have juicy, fleshy pulp and pleasant taste. Despite the thin skin, the fruits are withstanding transportation to long distances.

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    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Vine grape (photo used by standard license ©

    The level of yield depends on the care: the plant needs sanitary pruning and the formation of the crown.

    This variety has gained popularity due to the early maturation and high product qualities. Middle yield grapes can give high performance only with perfect care.

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    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Caring for grapes (Photo used by standard license ©

    Oval, greenish-golden berries have a dense, fleshy, very sweet flesh and thin skin. The plant is not afraid of strong frosts, but the disease is subject to phyllox.

    The stronger, unpretentious grade of the early ripening time was popular with amateur wine-making. Beautiful, dark pink with purple spots. The oblong berries have a pointed tip.

    Table grapes for middle strip: overview of the best varieties 24008_5
    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Delicious grapes (photo used by standard license ©

    Fruits collected in loose brushes have a pleasant taste and flavor of muscat. Among other advantages are the complete absence of grape bones. Breakdogi weighing 0.5-0.7 kg are suitable for long-term storage without loss of quality.

    Powerful tall bushes are highlighted by very large berries of pale pink color with an elongated form. Loose borders weighing 0.5-0.6 kg are unsuitable for transportation and storage. The crop of sweet, pleasant flavor of the berry is slightly above the average.

    Table grapes for middle strip: overview of the best varieties 24008_6
    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Landing grapes (photo used by standard license ©

    Thanks to the beautiful fruiting and compactness of bushes, the plant is often used to decorate the site. The variety of the original swears the cold, needs winter shelter. But his immunity provides a plant to protect against fungal infections: conventional and false torment, gray rot.

    This table grapes every year becomes more hardened: the plant produces immunity to many dangerous fungal infections. In addition, berries are becoming increasingly and disheveled brushes reach a mass of 0.6 kg.

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    Table grapes for the middle strip: overview of the best varieties of nonsense

    Vintage varieties (Photo used by standard license ©

    Oval, with a sharp tip, the average size of the berries as they change the greenish-white color to amber. Their dense pulp has a sweet taste and smell of bitter almond.

    The fruits of dining varieties of grapes cause appetite due to the product type and saturated taste. Putting this amazing culture at the cottage, you can enjoy sweet, juicy berries in the fresh form or prepare juice, refreshing or crumpled drinks.

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