The most unusual love stories of skaters

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

Ekaterina Gordeyev and Sergey Grinkov

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

She is 11, he - 15. They went to the ice together, and Kati chose Sergey in partners. Since then, the sports duet worked a lot, and already in 1983 at the World Junior Championships, the pair became the sixth, and in 1984 - first.

"Probably, the feelings began to emerge after the 88th Olympics in Calgary, when I was 17," Catherine told. - And the novel broke out in 1989. Then there was the World Championship in Paris. Spring, France - it was all very romantic. "

After numerous victories of the house, the couple went to conquer America on the Stars on Ice show. The glory of skaters thundered around the world, and in 1991, Catherine and Sergey got married.

However, four years later, Sergey became bad at one of the workouts. He fell, lost consciousness and could not climb. Doctors took Ginkov to the hospital. Then the doctor came out and said that Sergey could not save: the heart stopped.

At that time, Catherine was 24, her 3-year-old daughter grew from Sergey. The figure skater was seriously worried about the death of her husband, but still was able to return to the ice and take silver at the World Championships.

The athlete released the book "My Sergey". She was married to the skater Ilya Kulik, but their marriage broke up. Recently, Catherine became the wife of Canadian figure skateman David Pelletier.

Oksana Domnin and Roman Kostomarov

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

This couple never acted together. It apparently for the better: Kostomarov often swore with their partners in the ice site.

At 27, the novel married Yulia Laoutov. However, the marriage did not prevent him from falling in love with Oksana Domnin.

"I was drawn to Oksana as a magnet, and she avoided me for several months - first of all because I was married to her friend. And with Yulya, we have been smashed for a long time by that moment, "the skater admitted.

However, Oksana's heart flashed, and after four years, a daughter was born in a couple of relations. But it did not save their alliance from further problems.

During the participation in the "Ice Page" Oksana fell in love with Vladimir Jaglycha's actor, with whom she rode in a pair. She decided to leave the novel. He, however, helped raise their common child and tried to preserve warm relationships with Oksana.

And it helped. The figure skater returned to Kostomarov and married him. Soon they had a second child.

A couple of happy and to this day. "Love will survive everything," Domnin summarized.

Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

This is the case when the couple put a sports career above love.

Their duo has achieved high results. They took Warsaw Cup in 2013. Then - silver at the Russian championship among juniors and at the Universiade in Italy.

Eugene recognized that they often swore with Vladimir: "Volodya in such cases is not completely discreet. He no matter who was wrong - I or he, he belongs to this extremely critical. He needs to fix everything quickly, right now, so that everything is perfect. But it turns out not always. "

After the 2018 Olympics in Pchenchkhan, where the duet did not receive a single medal, went hearing that the pair could break down. However, Eugene assured that parting in his personal life would not lead to troubles in his career.

"We and I decided that sport is more important," she said.

Tatyana Tutmianin and Alexey Yagudin

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

They met when she was 14, and he was 15. Alexey then was friends with Maxim Marinen, the future partner of Tatiana. And he did not pay attention to the figure skater.

Totmianin says that in fact they met with Alexei before. During the youthful competitions, they were settled in one hotel, and in one of the evenings of Yagudin, the soul of the company, looked into the room where Tatyana lived with girlfriends. But even then he did not look at the athlete: she just wanted to sleep. True, Alexey does not remember this story.

In one of the interviews, Yagudin admitted that he was ready to take ads for any skirt. Everything changed when Ilya Averbukh invited him and Tatiana to take part in his ice show.

Then they began to spend time together, and soon the figure skater said that he wanted from Alexey Child. Athlete who is accustomed to live in his pleasure, this was not happy. He left Tatiana.

Since then, the couple has converged, it was diverged. Totmianin was not confident in serious intentions of the partner. However, they still were able to find a compromise.

Yagudin finally made a beloved offer in 2016, on New Year's Eve. In the morning, Tatiana asked: "Do you remember everything? Do not remind? ". Now the couple raises two children.

Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov

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The most unusual love stories of the skaters Anastasia Denisenko

In the account of this sports duet, many large triumphs. Here and the gold of the Olympic Games in 1976, and six victories at the European and World Championships. But it all began with the fact that both skaters were considered unpromising.

But hard work helped them achieve significant success. They were in love with each other, but Lyudmila said that they would be able to get married only after the victory at the World Championships.

In 1970, in Ljubljana, the duet won the first place and finally could officially sign.

They were with each other and in Mount, and in joy. When Alexandra had a blood vessel gap in lung, he had to fight for his life. It seemed that the big sport could be forgotten. But the duet continued to ride and won on Games in Innsbruck.

In 1978, Lyudmila began to train the USSR national team. But she was given a terrible diagnosis - oncological disease of the lymphatic system. Until the last day, she was engaged in coaching activities, and only death in 1986 separated it with ice and with a loved one.

Photo: Open sources

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