Proclaimed Soviet Socialist Republic Belarus

Proclaimed Soviet Socialist Republic Belarus 23988_1
Proclaimed Soviet Socialist Republic Belarus

The history of the BSSR can be started with the appearance in February 1918. Belnatskom - the Belarusian Department of the People's Commissariat on the Affairs of the RSFSR nationals. He was headed by revolutionary A.G. Worms and writer D.F. Zhlunovich. The initiators of the creation of Belnatskoma were members of the Belarusian Social Democratic Workers' Party (BSDRP), which emerged in the fall of 1917. In the spring of 1918, the BSDRP was transformed into the Belarusian section of the RCP (b).

On December 25, 1918, the Government of the RSFSR, taking into account the foreign policy threats from Poland, agreed to the creation of the Belarusian state. On December 30, 1918, the VI North-West Regional RCP Conference (B) was opened in Smolensk, where it was decided to create a communist party of the Bolsheviks of Belarus - KP (b) b - and proclaim the Soviet Belarusian republic within the borders of Vilensk, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Mogilev , Minsk, Grodno and Chernihiv provinces. Chairman of the Central Bureau KP (b) B became one of the leaders of A.F. Butchers.

On January 1, 1919, the "Manifest of the Interim Workers' and Peasant Soviet Government of Belarus" was released, where the creation of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus (SSRS) led by Zimilunovic was proclaimed. In Manifesto, it was proclaimed that the workers, the peasant poor and the Red Armymen of Belarus become free and full owners of the free independent Belarusian Socialist Republic. It is worth noting that on January 16, 1919, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) decided to depart in favor of the RSFSR from SSRS Smolenskaya, Vitebsk and Mogilev province.

On February 2-3, 1919, under the leadership of Myasnikov, the first all-storey congress of the Soviets, which was attended by about 230 deputies. There was a Constitution and approved the decision to combine Belarus with Lithuania to the Lithuanian-Belarusian SSR (Litbel), which meant the elimination of the Belarusian state. The main cause of education was announced by the need to unite the efforts of Lithuania and Belarus to confront Polish aggression. On February 27, 1919, the Government was created at the joint meeting of Lithuania and Belarus, which marked the creation of a new state association.

Although Litbel was proclaimed mainly in the territory of the Belarusian provinces, Poles and Lithuanians prevailed in her leadership. The working languages ​​of the New Republic were Polish, Russian and Lithuanian. As Polish troops occur, its capital moved - from wine to Smolensk. Since the summer of 1919, the Government of the Lithuanian-Belarusian SSR has no longer controlled its territory.

After the liberation of the Red Army of Belarus, on July 31, 1920, the independence of the republic is restored, which has changed the name to the Belarusian Socialist Soviet Republic. On the same day, a declaration on the independence of the BSSR was published in the Soviet Belarus newspaper.


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