How to carry out gas in a private house: variations of gasification, the connection process


Comfortable use of kitchen stoves, water speakers and other household appliances can be achieved if they carry out a gas to the room, for which a whole range of activities are performed, because in a private house, the gas pipeline is equipped after permissions and documents are collected.

And although the cost of gasification of individual home ownership has fallen in price, consumers causing how much money will have to spend in order to carry out official gas, because before the "blue light" approach to the private house required a large amount. For pensioners and beneficiaries, the state provides for discounts.

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Gasification options for the private sector

Before equipping housing with blue fuel, you need to choose the way to spend it. The procedure provides for a connecting gas pipeline to a centralized branch or connect gas through a gas genener, but fuel supply to a private house from this noteshev tank.

The use of balloon methane is relevant only for cooking, in other cases it is unprofitable. If the goal is "I want to hold gas", then it is more profitable to the private house, more reliable and more convenient to do this by joining the central network.

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Connection process

The connection procedure is carried out only officially. No matter how you want to reduce the process, only specialists with admission can be carried out on the basis of the issued permission. Centralized gas pipeline is available to connect to a private house, cottages and cottages. Depending on the volume of consumption, the presence and number of gas devices, the type of gas supply is selected.

At the first stage, the project of technical conditions is being developed, for which an application is drawn up in the relevant urban or regional service, but before submitting it, collect a list of documents. To carry out gas with you will require confirmation of ownership of a private house, a copy of the passport. We advise you to find out whether gasification is available in your case for free.

How to carry out gas in a private house: variations of gasification, the connection process 23958_3

If the housing is under construction, in order to conduct official gas, it will be necessary to issue ownership of the site and make a plan for accommodating a private house.

Collection of documents - a responsible moment, and how much material will need, whether their installation is worth fully trusted to solve the owners. And although only professionals are allowed to carry out gas, they are better to control their work so as not to invite them to a private house for alterations. A seal is put on the finish on the finish on the device for taking into account the consumption of a fly fuel.

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