"God, if I can simply determine which of these two surface proteins of the virus stimulates the formation of neutralizing antibodies, then I am a fabulously get rich!": Excerpt from the new vaccination book.


Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic interest in vaccination theme among all segments of the population is growing. But traditionally especially strongly she excites his parents.

Well, while the tests of vaccines from the crown on children did not begin, we suggest you read the excerpt from the book of Teacher and Publicists Euly Biss "Frankly on Immunite. Vaccination". In Russian, it released an AST publisher.

"There is no condemnation in this book and imposing someone's opinion. The positions and opinions of both opponents and supporters of vaccination are disassembled here. And I highly recommend it to read it, because sometimes the mistakes that a person performs, blindly believing its delusions, can cost him life, "says Gynecologist Olga Belokon, who ordered the Russian-language version of the book.

My grandfather lost his father who deceased from tuberculosis when he was ten years old. On the part of the mother at Grandma and Grandfather, brothers and sisters died from infectious diseases. One family lost a little child from Corey, and one of the teenagers died of sepsis, and in another family, one baby died from a cough, and one teenager - from a tetaper. When my father was still a boy, his native brother was half a year chained to bed due to rheumatism. He survived, but sick fell ill and died young from heart failure.

Father in childhood vaccinated from five diseases. I was vaccinated from seven, and my son got vaccinations against fourteen diseases. The multiplication of the number of vaccinations has become for some of us the metaphor of American redundancy. Too much, too fast is one of the slogans of campaign activists opposing vaccinations. However, this critical slogan can be attached to other aspects of our lives.

A vaccination from the smallpox, which was vaccinated by my father, contained a lot more immunizing proteins or, so to speak, active ingredients than any of the modern vaccines. The immune system reacts to these proteins when the body responds to vaccination. In this sense, one dose of the off-position vaccine, which our parents received, was a greater challenge for the immune system than the challenge of all twenty-six vaccinations from fourteen diseases that our children receive during the first two years of life.

In response to the request of colleagues, to highlight the question of whether many vaccines are too many vaccines receive children at the very beginning of life, the Pediatrician Paul Isfit offered to quantify the ability of a children's immune system, which, as already known, are very impressive. Children begin to undergo on the launch of bacteria at the moment when leaving the uterus, even how they come out of the generic canal.

Any child who does not live under a glass cap will daily reflect the infection, more serious than weakened antigens, which it receives during immunization.

Offit - Professor of Pediatrics of the University of Pennsylvania and the head of the Branch of Infectious Diseases of the Philadelphia Children's Hospital. It is one of the creators of one vaccine, the author of several books on vaccination issues, as well as a former member of the Centers Advisory Committee for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Practical Immunization. He also, if you believe the Internet, "Devil's lawyer", known for nicknamed "Dr. Profit". He received all these honors, together with repeated threats, for being an adamant champion of vaccinations.

Ofifite is called the devil's lawyer on the same website on which the evidence is collecting that the Holocaust is a myth and that anti-Semitism came up with Zionists in order to justify the foundation of the state of Israel.

The controversy is that he removes financial benefits from the propaganda of vaccinations, proceed from the blogger named J. B. Handley, who himself is not alien to profit. Handley, a venture capitalist, is the co-founder of a private joint-stock company with capital over one billion dollars, as well as the co-founder of the organization "Saving generation", which acts in defense of patients with autism.

In his book, "false budrores of autism" is offfit explores the confusing history of the theory, according to which vaccines are caused by autism, and also leads detailed evidence of the insolvency of this theory. The question of whether vaccines are the cause of autism, currently does not constitute the subject of serious scientific debate, with all certainty declares offfit. At the same time, groups like "rescue generation" shows offfit, spend a lot of money for the dissemination of false information and promote inefficient treatments. Some parents of autistic children consider it exploitation. Meanwhile, the opputes often receive letters of approximately such a content: "The bastard, I will play you for your frowning neck!"

"It is a shame," says the offfit about stubborn accusations in the fact that the thirst for profit is moving in research. He finds it a large extent ridiculous. "Tell me who goes into science," he asks, "thinking:" God, if I can simply determine which of these two virus proteins stimulates the formation of neutralizing antibodies, then I am a fabulously get rich! "" Such a person will get a much greater salary, If it simply takes private pediatric practice, instead of doing science.

When the oppute was an intern, he saw a nine-month-old boy died of Rotavirus. Until that moment, he did not imagine that in the United States, children die from rotavirus infection. After the internship, he joined the group of researchers who worked on the creation of a rotavirus vaccine, which is the cause of hospitalization of 70 thousand children in the United States, and in developing countries kills more than 600 thousand children per year. It was in 1981, and at that time the prospect of creating a vaccine remained very foggy and uncertain.

"We needed ten years," the offfit says, "to answer the question: how can I get a vaccine induced by an immune response, but not causeing a disease? Then we turned to several pharmaceutical companies, because only they have resources and experience for the production of vaccines. In addition, no pharmaceutical company will promote unprotected technology. We had to patent the future vaccine. " Even after the vaccine was patented, there were no guarantees that it would fall into the market.

For more than 16 years, the RotateQ vaccine has been tested for security in the number of groups of children. The final study involving more than 70,000 children was held in 12 countries and managed Merck at $ 350 million. When the vaccine was licensed, the Philadelphia Children's Hospital sold a patent for $ 182 million. The hospital retained intellectual property for the invention, for which 90 percent of these money was spent, which were spent on further research, and 10 percent got three scientists who worked over the vaccine over 25 years.

In comparison with other drugs, the road vaccine in development and bring very modest profit. "In 2008, the company" Merk "received from the sale of the RotateQ vaccine profit of 665 million dollars," the journalist Amy Wallace writes. - Meanwhile, such a popular medicine, as the '' Lipior '' of the company Pfizer, brings an income of $ 12 billion over the year. " Older vaccines are cheaper and bring so low income that over the past thirty years, many companies that produced vaccines took place from the market.

Why his vaccine's success should devalue his experience and knowledge in immunology, remains a mystery to offitt. "I did not invent a new way to clean cocaine," he says. But he understands that his bad glory has other reasons. In response to the question of how much vaccines can be considered too big, the offpit said that theoretically, the child can cope with hundreds of thousands of vaccines, or with ten thousand vaccines immediately. He regretted what it said, although he does not believe that he was wrong. "I uttered the number of one hundred thousand, I looked like a crazy," he says. "Because I imagine that one hundred thousand needles stick out of you," this is a terrible picture. "

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