Morning Digest KN: Evacuation of abandoned cars, construction of the Tyus in Kaluga and Kaluzhanin in the Russian national football team

Morning Digest KN: Evacuation of abandoned cars, construction of the Tyus in Kaluga and Kaluzhanin in the Russian national football team 23865_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

Start building a new Tyuja in Kaluga in 2021

In Kaluga, this year will begin the construction of the Tyus at the site of the former market. This was announced by the head of the region Vladislav Shapsh in the social network.

According to him, the new Tyuz should become a decoration of the city. And in the square near him to the anniversary of the city there will be a unique multimedia fountain.

The hat also reminded that 2021 year is rich in important dates: Kaluzhan will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, the 650th anniversary of Kaluga, anniversaries from the birthday of George Zhukov and Pafnutia Chebyshev.

80-year-old man married Kaluga

In urban management, the registry office told about newlyweds over the past week.

According to the department, 56 weddings were held during this period. Among the grooms were 80-year-old Kaluzhanin, who proved by his example that all ages are conquered.

The most young bridegroom was 20 years old, the youngest bride who came out for these days married was 19, and the age itself - 70.

Kaluzhanin is summoned to the Russian national football team

Another countryman will play for the youthful national football team.

This time the challenge received an attack of Moscow "Spartacus" Timur Kim. He got into the national team of born in 2005 players. The team will be gathering in Turkey from February 20 to 27 and will hold two control fights - with national teams of Northern Macedonia and Turkey.

Timur Kim is a pupil of the Kaluga Football School and the coach of Igor Muzvishnikov.

Kaluzhan warned about evacuation of abandoned cars

On February 25, 2021, the Commission is gathered at the city council of Kaluga, established to address the issues of evacuation and inspection of vehicles to be evacuated. This is reported by the site administration.

In particular, the Commission will inspect the vehicles with signs of begging and abandoned, according to which appeals received to make a decision on evacuation.

Owners of cars, whose list is shown on the site of the counters, is offered to be present during the inspection.

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