"All is well" and "we pounded": We tell how to decipher messages from friends who have recently become parents


What is actually hiding behind "yep" and "everything is fine"

With the advent of the child, much in life is changing. Priorities are changing, the day of the day and how young parents communicate with their friends (usually almost in any way). Short calls and awkward correspondence in messengers come to replace parties and meetings.

If your friends have recently become parents and immediately turned into a correspondence friends, we are together with the Viber Messenger team (by the way, we have recently started our community there, join the link!) We suggest you to use our decoder in order to understand that on the very The case is hidden behind their "ya" and "everything is in order."

The material, of course, is humorous and does not claim one hundred percent accuracy.

What does your girlfriend write: "Everything is fine, gave birth"

What does she mean:

It was hell! The contractions lasted almost a day, dripped oxytocin, made episiotomy, I barely go, sit only on my side, my chest is like two fiery balls, a child is either sleeping or crying, I don't understand, it's enough milk or not, I really want to go home, But all around for some reason they say, as I was lucky, and what's the happiness.

What do your friends write: "Oh, the kid is wonderful, until we can understand who he is more like - on mom or dad"

What do they mean:

Most of all, it is similar to dissatisfied potatoes and least - on the photo on the packaging of diapers. We plan to close his face with an emoticon at all photos until he passes acne newborns (it is it? Or allergic? Or atopic dermatitis? So immediately and you will not discern).

In general, I suspect that he could confuse him in the maternity hospital, because while he is most like a shriveted Danny girl than some of us.

What do your friends write: "Hello, we are all right"

What do they mean:

We are not sleeping for the fourth month, our cat himself learned to order a pizza and wash the floor in the kitchen, sometimes we do not understand why it was involved in it, we confuse day and night, the neighbors stopped with us to greet, the word "colic" for us now sounds It is terrible than the "Avad of Kedaur". And, to be honest, the question "How are you?" A little bit like mockery. Just pity us please.

What does your girlfriend write: "Yes, come, of course"

What does she mean:

Do not be late, bring meals with you - any, the main thing so that it was as much calories as possible, and please never tell anyone, in what form you will find me - I just don't have enough strength to wash your head on this week

What your friends write: "Thank you for the invitation, we will try to come"

What do they mean:

Well, are you serious? We have a baby on our hands, behind the shoulders - three months of sleepless nights, on the legs - training with the stains of children's belching. We are very grateful that you do not forget about us, but if you really want to meet with us, please try to make the next time so that it is also convenient for us, and not just you.

What does your girlfriend write: "Today, the child first slept all night!"

What does she mean:

You can't imagine you, what a miracle and happiness! I understand that, perhaps, this is just an accident, but please rejoice with me. Yes, it sounds like a trifle, but for me it is an incredibly important event.

What does your girlfriend write: "Hello! Sorry I'm worried ... "

What does she mean:

I did not know that Maternity is so lonely. On the one hand, I can never stay alone, on the other hand, around me as if some kind of desert and talk almost unable to.

I know you have my own life and your problems, and to me, to be honest, very awkwardly pull you - it seems to me that I am imposing. But I will be glad to any communication, I really miss you and at the time when we see much more often.

What does your girlfriend write: "We pounced!"

What does she mean:

Yes, I know, before I myself laughed at the crazy "mothers," but now it happened that this is my reality.

And yes, probably, outside of my apartment, the problems with the digestion of my child do not worry anyone, but for me it is a completely real problem - no less than working grandilage. Perhaps, after a couple of months, I will be even a little ashamed of this stupid phrase (well, we didn't squeeze at the same time, in the end!), But now it will mostly reflect the degree of how deeply I am included in all the processes in my child's body.

I am now responsible for a whole person - and it is incredibly agreed, as if he is part of me.

What does your friend writes: "Sorry that I have not answered so long, it was busy"

What does he mean:

To be honest, I completely forgot about your message, because it came just when the sound was turned off on my phone and white noise is turned on. Yes, now I sleep during the day.

After waking up, I changed the diaper, soap the ass to the child, then I collected him for a walk and went with a carriage for a long time - on the frost it is inconvenient to correspond. I got to your message only now.

Not because I forgot about our friendship - just changed a lot in my life, and it became more difficult for me to find time for communication. But I will definitely find it.

What do your friends write: "Grandmother agreed to sit with the child"

What do they mean:

Open champagne! Play mascara! Run fireworks! Call the gypsy, bears, magicians, corps, orchestra! We are free for the first time in the whole year! We will be kunded as ever, going from one glass of beer, we will slide laugh at all jokes, agree on any madness and go home at ten. Long live freedom!

What do your friends write: "Yes, children are happiness!"

What do they mean:

We, to be honest, are not always sure about this, but it is so usual to say that we do not count with bad parents. Sometimes it is hard for us, difficult, boring and sad, sometimes we even regret our decision. But this does not mean that we do not love your child - he is cool. We hope you make friends with him.

Unfortunately, the parents do not always have enough time and effort to express all their thoughts and feelings with words. Someone is not solved, someone falls asleep before everything has time to write, and someone simply does not find suitable words.

In this case, expressive emoji and stickers come to the rescue - for example, we recently added our small stickerpak to Viber, which will help young parents communicate with friends faster and expressive. Or will help friends to speak in their tongue - no matter how cool, it's nice when you understand.

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