Morning digest "Tula News": Multi-million dollar debt "TulaPlosets" for gas, new law on the governor's elections and the term of the problematic LCD

Morning digest

You could miss it on the eve. "Tula News" talk about the most interesting (and still relevant) over the past day.

Future scientific breakthrough

The Government of the Tula region discussed the creation of an innovative scientific and technological center (INTC) "Composite Valley".

The decision on its creation of about a month ago signed the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

During the meeting, the management structure of the "Composite Valley" and the project map of the project was presented. The center should start work in 2023.

According to the governor, the creation of the center will allow attracting federal, regional and extrabudgetary funds to create an infrastructure for research.

Homeless shareholders

On February 25, First Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region Valery Sherin held a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to coordinate the issues of equity construction in the region.

There discussed in detail questions about the construction of apartment buildings in the LCD "Youth", LCD "Batashevsky Garden", as well as houses on ul. Freedom, pr. Lenin and ul. Boldin.

The developer Aurora-Greenn LLC, which builds nine homes in the LCD "Youth", transfers the deadlines for the delivery of housing several times. However, three houses of the 4th stage are already actually completed. Even in two homes, engineering communications and finishing of common areas are underway.

The developer of LLC "Liberty", building a multi-apartment apartment building on the street of freedom, transferred the delivery time of the house five times. Now the construction readiness of the object is 95%. The developer plans to complete all work until April 1, 2021.

It remains a problematic question with houses in the LCD "Batashevsky Garden" on Venevian highway. In the LCD "Batashevsky Garden" builders have now seriously embarrassed from the schedule. Representatives of the contractor explained that in the near future it is planned to increase the number of workers. Valery Sherin demanded from the contractor until March 5 to provide catch-up graphics, and asked the law enforcement agencies to keep the question of control.

More half a million duty for gas

The debt of the heat supply enterprises of the region for the gas consumed to Gazprom Interregional Tula LLC exceeds $ 1 billion 200 million.

The main debtor is JSC "TulaPreyet". The company owe for gas over 630 million rubles. At the end of the past year, the supplier became the only one who missed the debt by more than 25%.

New choices of choice

The Tula Regional Duma considered in the first reading the bill "On the elections of the Governor of the Tula Region", which was made by the Chairman of the Regional Izbird Pavlom Merryov.

The draft law establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting elections to the regional governor.

So, from the innovation in the document is spelled out of elections for several days, but not more than 3 days, the possibility of voters to vote at the location, as well as the possibility of collecting voter signatures using the State Service portal, but not more than 25% of the required number of signatures.

Fear of the future

In the Tula region due to floods, a section of 800 meters long on the roads of the regional importance "Efremov-Dankov" can be flooded, 27 houses in the private sector Tula, as well as in the Maxi shopping center and Patriot Park, 11 landlords in The village of Lower Avasada (Tula), 32 subsidence in the village of Dedilovo, Kireevsky District.

The head of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexey Pavlov, reported that the danger arose due to abundant precipitation, which covered the Tula region in the winter months. The height of the snow cover exceeds the norm by almost 20 centimeters.

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