Invented a new way to finish Russians

Invented a new way to finish Russians 23839_1

Russians will begin to finant for the implementation of illegal potatoes seeds. The penalty will be 500 rubles for individuals, for officials - 1 thousand rubles, for Yurlitz - 10 thousand rubles. This is reported by Moscow Komsomolets.

At the same time, experts have repeatedly noted that Russian gardeners and farmers could and remain without harvest in 2020, if not underground seed merchants. The reason for this was the coronavirus pandemic and the closure of specialized stores.

It also has the opinion that the issue of illegal tubers in the government lobby large seed farms. At the same time, in Russia, the selection base of potatoes is at an extremely low level, since the infrastructure was destroyed in the 90s.

Seed deficit leads to the fact that they are sold along the tracks or via the Internet. As a rule, sellers of selection material cannot provide documents on their own goods.

The near Moscow farmer Stepan Solomnikov notes that there is no such seed fond of tubers in Russia.

"Specialized potato farms buy seeds in Holland in Finland or in Germany. They are replicated in Russia, and seeds are already selling farmers or major farms that grow potatoes for a trade selling, "the interlocutor of the publication told.

Solomnikov himself buys seeds in specialized seed farms, where you can get accompanying documentation: certificates, certificates, etc. At the same time, he noted that the "gray" market was and will always be. According to him, the illegal product does not carry any threat.

"Just so that the seeds fall into the discharge of elite, it is necessary to cooperate with Rospotrebnadzor," he explained.

However, he also added that it is better to refer to legal sellers, because only in this case the farmers can count on subsidies from the state in the amount of 8 thousand rubles for each ton. For example, if a kilogram of seed potatoes cost 25 rubles, then the farm it will cost 17 rubles.

The managing partner of the Law Company "Position of Law" Egor Rynin explained Komsomolskaya Pravda that fines for the sale of illegal potato seeds threaten only those who use such a landing material for commercial purposes. That is, for the sale of grown trading networks or citizens. If a person puts the root of the root for its own use and further independent sowing, it does not make anything illegal, and therefore it will not be fined.

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