How to disguise acne


When the face suddenly appears redness or jump pimples, I want to have a tool at hand that quickly disguises the problem. You can hide imperfections with strata-stickers or a dense theater grima. But we like the ways that allow you to quickly improve the condition of the skin.

"Take and do" offers a selection of instructions that will be carels in cases where it is necessary to get rid of sudden rashes on the face as soon as possible. Important: When regularly emerging problems with skin, we recommend contacting the doctor.

Method number 1.

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© 5-Minute Crafts Girly / YouTube

  1. Take the Aloe Sheet, cut and remove the pulp with a spoon.
  2. Packing with juice with juice in an empty mold for ice, adding a few drops of tea tree oil. Remove in the freezer.
  3. Remove the cube from the mold with ice and soda the problem areas on the face.
  4. After that, if necessary, you can apply a moisturizing cream and a tonal basis.

Method number 2.

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© 5-Minute Crafts Girly / YouTube

  1. Take Aloe Sheet, cut off a small piece and divide in half.
  2. For a few minutes, attach to the problem zone of the side where there is a flesh. After that, if necessary, you can apply a moisturizing cream and a tonal basis.

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© 5-Minute Crafts Girly / YouTube

Due to the action of aloe redness and inflammation on the face will be less noticeable.

Method number 3.

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© 5-Minute Crafts Girly / YouTube

  1. In a ceramic bowl, pour a small amount of honey.
  2. Stirring, add cinnamon to get a thick cashem.
  3. Apply a mixture on clean skin, avoiding areas around the eyes.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes, then wash. Next, if necessary, you can apply a moisturizing cream and a tonal basis.

Important: Before applying this mask, try it on a small area of ​​the skin and make sure that you do not have allergies to its components.

Method number 4.

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© 5-Minute Crafts Girly / YouTube

  1. Take fresh rose petals.
  2. Put into the water, put on the fire and bring to a boil, then cover the lid and leave all the fire on the low heat for 5-7 minutes. So you will get pink water.
  3. Then remove the petals from the water, add a bit of honey, mix and plunge it fresh petals.
  4. After apply these petals on face like a mask. Leave for a few minutes, then remove the petals from the face. In addition, if necessary, you can apply moisturizing cream and a tonal basis.

Important: Before applying this mask, try it on a small area of ​​the skin and make sure that you do not have allergies to its components.

Method number 5.

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© 5-Minute Crafts / YouTube

  1. In the water bath, melt several bars of the Castilian soap.
  2. Stir and add chamomile oil. Activated coal Turn into powder and dissolve in a mixture.
  3. Then recall everything in the molds for ice, clean the freezer.
  4. Remove the cube from the mold and use it to clean your face from pollution and remove redness. If necessary, you can apply moisturizing cream and a tonal basis.

How to disguise the imperfections of the skin with cosmetics

  • Use a specific color consileter for point correction. So, the redness will hide the green color, and the black points will be less noticeable if they paint it yellow.
  • First, apply a lighter consillion on the skin, then use a similar means and a tone base that match your skin tone.
  • Use the cosmetic sponge to carefully (without rubbing) and evenly put the consileter and the tone base and hide any irregularities on the skin.

Additionally: if necessary, together with a cosmetologist, you can choose suitable cosmetics specially designed for problem skin or skin suffering from acne.

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