Magic Plant Amaranth - New Year's tale about promising culture

Magic Plant Amaranth - New Year's tale about promising culture 23798_1

Our Children's School of Farmer Portal Agro 21, like all farmers, as well as all farmers, meets a fabulous New Year holiday.

And of course, children want to hear not dry tsiferki of our grandiose 0, 000137% compared to the past millennium success, and something simple, beautiful and, indeed, fabulous.

And if in nature, in agriculture and there is a fabulous, legendary scarlet flower, then this is of course Amaranth.

How similar to the fate of plants introduced (brought) from South America are similar. Potatoes, corn, Amaranth was grown by "Dick Indians" and perfectly fed them, for many millennia before the birth of Christ, and the Seeds of Amaranth, capable of decades, were a kind of currency, the golden reserve of tribal leaders.

In Russia, with Queen-Batyushka, force, whipped peasants to plant potatoes, and during the time of the USSR, with a father Nikita Sergeyevich, forced to sow corn. And according to this time, the corn-Nikita commemorate the uncomfortable word, but the corn is very sowing and the cows are everywhere.

Potatoes in Russia, in French fashion, initially used as a fashionable passage flower - worn in petakers, on the hats - flashed on the balas, were grown on the flower beds, in the oranges. And now, you see, potatoes are the second bread, and for some and the first one, which can be grown independently on any garden when there is not enough money.

But the amaranth, in Russia is still used mainly on the clubs, borders, in bouquets ..., yes beautiful, there is no dispute.

But Amaranth is not just a beautiful flower.

Amaranth - Super Siderate.

There are no other plants capable of increasing such a vegetative mass in one season. In addition, the roots of the amaranth raise nutrients from a depth of 3-4 meters, which is the current widespread exhaustion of the upper fertile layer, with the current deficit of the set of trace elements in the soil, and, accordingly, in vegetables-fruits, and, accordingly, in milk-egg meat, extremely It is important to ensure our healthy nutrition.

Amaranth - Super feed for any livery.

There are no feed plants capable of competing with the amaranth of yield, according to the content of vitamins, minerals, protein. The amarantine protein is unique - exceeds all plant and animal proteins for the set and balance of amino acids, including indispensable, not produced in animal organisms. Amaranth protein, in quality, in digestibility, exceeds even milk protein. That is, the Muzzles of the Amaranta can be filled with young cattle, MRC, the greenery of the amaranth can be used as a starting feed for any agricultural.

In addition to all this, Amaranth has other unique economic qualities.

The yield of the greencraft of the amaranth is up to 3,000 centners / ha, while our traditional clover gives a maximum of 300 c / ha.

The yield of the grain of the amaranth to 60 c / ha, that is, can give odds to any our grain crops, especially in the conditions of moisture deficit.

And on the maintenance of nutrients, all wheat, rye, rice and buckwheat, all combined, with the grain of Amaranta and not standing nearby.

The amaranth is extremely plastic, is able to adapt to various climatic conditions, even in the middle strip unfavorable for its cultivation is able to give up to 1,000 c / ha green high, high-protein mass.

In Druch, 2010, when almost all feed crops were burned in the Voronezh region, including corn and most of the grain, Amaranth knotted.

When administered to the rations of the amaranth, not only productivity, but also the content of fat, protein, microelements and vitamins in milk increases, is increasing, the reproductive qualities and cattle and birds are significantly improved ...

As we all know, not only the cattle, MRCs, but also pigs, a bird with pleasure and great benefit eating a young alfalfa.

But, only the young! After the flowering of alfalfa grubets, the tissue content increases, so the pigs, and the bird is not able to digest it, and even the cattle, MRCs - much worse eat it and diges.

But, not as Amaranth - he is young throughout the season, throughout the growing season, the fiber content does not increase, that is, the amaranth is full, complete food not only for cattle, MRC, but also for pigs and birds throughout the season.

With the amaranth fattening of the carcasses, meat, without excess fat - and in the West are valued by 30% more expensive than traditional - quenched on the feed, although the feed is more expensive, Senaga from Amaranth, at times.

If we know about the benefits of an amaranth for animals, then the benefits for a person - it seems that they do not know at all.

Amaranth since ancient times is used as a protein, vitamin and mineral lettuce, vitamin tea makes protein dietary bread and bakery products from the amaranth grain, make a mass of confectionery, the amaranth is the most powerful antioxidant and nutrient content, for the benefits of the body, no Traditional products with amaranth and nearby were not stood.

There is a substance squalene.

In our body, he plays the role of a regulator of many exchange processes responsible for the production of hormones and antibodies, synthesis of enzymes and vitamins, normalization of cholesterol and sugar levels, protection against free radicals, restoration and improving damaged organs.

There is not a single direction in medicine, where the squalen and medicines on its basis did not find applications. It is based on effective antitumor drugs and drugs, normalizing blood sugar content. For therapeutic purposes, the spawn was obtained from fat of rare deep-water sharks, but preparations from such raw materials are more expensive than gold and not everyone is available.

Also, it is also used in olive oil - up to 0.7%.

And in the oil of amaranth, it was used to 8% and the technology of obtaining this oil was designed and patented in our Russian Federation, in Voronezh, Lydia Alexandrovna Miroshnichenko.

All developed countries are ready to accept it and provide all the conditions for further developments and mass production of amaranth oil.

But it turned out that Lydia Alexandrovna - Patriot of the Russian Federation, however, while in Russia, neither she nor a truly miraculous oil is needed.

Why is such a promising plant, which is still academician N. Vavilov predicted the role of the relief of the world from hunger, in our chapter?

There are a lot of reasons, but the first and main - our cosmy, starting from the most peasant bottoms, to the most commanders, non-professionalism of our Top Managers.

And all others are derived from the first.

We do not have a technique that can process the soil under the sowing of Amaranta.

We do not produce seeders capable of withstanding amarantic seeding norms - 0.3 - 1.0 kg / ha.

We do not have a technique that can remove and harvest Amaranta.

We do not produce equipment for cold spin of amaranth oil.

And the main thing is the production of such equipment and is not planned, and all the obstacles and slingshot are built by the purchase of imports.

Our current brands - expensive feed, and not at all cheap amarantine sieuzh, palm oil, and not at all amaranth. We will wait for the king's father, who will make Rus to sow Amaranta. And we hope that this will happen in the new 2021.

Our Children's School of Farmer congratulates everyone Happy New Year, wish everyone health, happiness and success! Let everyone grow, blooms, spiped, militant and rushing!

(Author: Sergey Galkin).

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