Expanded support measures of poor: what payments can be obtained in 2021?

Expanded support measures of poor: what payments can be obtained in 2021? 23774_1

Citizens who receive income below the subsistence minimum can count on additional support from the state. What kind of benefits can be obtained in more detail in the material.

Who is considered poor?

It is worth considering that not only families, but also lonely citizens, the income of which are not higher than the subsistence minimum can be recognized as low-income. This indicator is established by the regional authorities, and therefore may differ in different locations.

Under the income of a person is meant not only by its salary, but also awards, compensation, as well as pensions, benefits, scholarships and other payments - they will all be summed up.

The procedure for calculating the average per capita income is determined as follows: if the calculated indicator on one of the family members is below the subsistence minimum, which is established for a particular region, then the family recognizes the poor.

What is the size of payments to the lowest in 2021?

The amount of assistance provided, as well as the frequency also depends on the specific region, as local authorities are engaged in this issue. However, the federal authorities establish the borders of the payment.

What are the benefits for children?

Minor citizens of the country state pays a number of benefits. First of all, we are talking about a one-time payment at the birth of a child. This allowance is annually indexed. In 2021, it will be 18,724.28 rubles. Money pays not only to young parents, but also to citizens who adopted children. If the family adopted a disabled child or child over 7 years or several brothers or sisters at once, then the state will pay 137,566,14 rubles for each such kid.

Monthly payments to children from 3 to 7 years

These payments are called "Putin", as President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the installation of this manual in March last year. Low-income families receive a monthly allowance in the amount of half a children's subsistence minimum in the region. In 2021, the amount of payments is determined by the second quarter of 2020.

Handbook for children from 1 to 7 years, from 7 to 16 years

State social protection bodies pay additional funds to parents raising children. Although the payment is legal at the federal level, its size establishes regions.

Payments for children's education

Here we are talking about monetary content that is paid to parents whose children are studying in educational institutions. For each applicant of higher educational institutions, the monthly payment will be 2010 rubles, on students in colleges - up to 1000 rubles per month. However, it must be remembered that the allowance will be paid only if the family is poor.

Payments to disabled children from 7 to 18 years

These funds the state allocates exclusively on goods and services that are necessary in the process of upbringing special children. It may be medicines or medical supplies.

Payment compensation for utilities

The amount of compensation average is about 50%, but it is not so easy to get it. Money from the budget is paid only in the absence of debt on utilities. It turns out if it was paid for the LCQ for a month without delay, then compensation will be 50%. Payment will have to confirm documented. Moreover, we receive only those citizens who pay for a communal more than 22% of cumulative revenues. Such a subsidy is listed within 6 months.

Housing benefits

Also, citizens recognized by poor can qualify for housing benefits. First of all, we are talking about preferential mortgage. In addition, it is possible to require allocating social housing if there is such a fund in the municipality. But first of all, this support will be subject to those who live in emergency housing or have health restrictions.

Travel Benefits

Regional authorities compensate for citizens' costs for travel. Payments are carried out only for urban transport. To seek assistance to the territorial branch of social protection.

What compensation can be obtained for rest?

In some cases, reimburse up to 100%. If a person has serious illnesses, he can qualify for a ticket to a sanatorium. But you can get such a benefit once a year. Moreover, vouchers are issued only for treatment in Russia.

What other benefits exist?

There are in Russia and intangible ways to help poor citizens. These include:

  • Issuance of school uniforms and written accessories for students.
  • Preferential admission to state higher education institutions.
  • Providing place in kindergarten out of turn.
  • Preferential two-time nutrition in general education institutions.
  • Free visit to museums or exhibitions (individually for regions).
  • Rest in camps for children of unsecured families.
  • The issuance of the vehicle, the land plot for the utility farming or housing under social hiring agreements.
  • Tax benefits and tax deductions for income tax.
  • Free medicines and drugs.

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