Best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries


    Good afternoon, my reader. All gardeners dream of growing various varieties of large-scale raspberries on their garden sectors. These include plants with berries weighing up to 4-12. Some copies can grow up to 20 g.

    Best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries 23770_1
    The best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The berries of the right shape, the color of them is allay, the fruits ripen in early time. The plant has high resistance to many diseases.

    Culture Local and high-yielding, frost-resistant. Taste sweet, berries fragrant. Sustainer semiradistant. Fruits weighing about 14 g, the form of them is slightly truncated and conical with a beautiful, slightly velvety surface. Malinka slightly dense. Fruit annual.

    Shrub neat, average. Berries of large quantities reaching the masses of almost 6 g. Raspberry elongated, conical shape. The grade gives a crop abundantly, in one season with one shrub, about 4-5 kg ​​of raspberries are collected.

    Culture medium, medium-sized berries, black, rounded, with white closed surface. The taste is beautiful, removable maturity is achieved in the last decade of July. Culture has a strong immunity to diseases and parasites.

    Best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries 23770_2
    The best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Culture repairing. Fruits of large magnitude. The yield is stable. One bush gives up to 2-2.5 kg of fruits. The variety is resistant to various pests and diseases.

    Culture has a middle period of fruit ripening. Zhuravlik winter-hardy grade, yield is up to 2 kg. Raspberry shrub compact, powerful branches. Berries are stupid, red color with a weak inlet, sour and sweet pulp. Their mass of about 2.8-3.5 g. The plant is opposed to diseases and parasites.

    Best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries 23770_3
    The best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The plant belongs to the most high-yielding raspberry varieties, has an average period of maturation. From one bush, you can collect about 4.5 kg of sweet fruits. Raspberry red-orange coloring, conical, large, about 7 g, dense structure. The inner piece of juicy, which has an acid-sweet flavor. Shrub high, with straight shoots. Contacts diseases and various pests.

    The variety has no spikes. The weight of the berry can be above 7 g. Plant with medium winteriness.

    Culture has an average maturation maturation. The variety is characterized by a strong growth and average shrubs spreading. Rodges raspberries are large, sweet, with a weak aroma, grow up to weight about 6 g, some instances can be more. Gardeners are collected from one bush to 4 kg of juicy raspberry.

    The inner part of the raspberry is dense. The shrub is plentifully fruits, for the season gives up to 9 kg of fruits from one plant. Malinka have a pleasant taste, perfectly saved.

    Malina is quite large, one berry can weigh about 8-10 g. The color of it is bright orange, the shape of the truncane-conical. The first time fruits in the first decade of August.

    Best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries 23770_4
    The best raspberry varieties for those who love large berries Maria Verbilkova

    Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The fruits grow to medium weight 4.5-10 g. The taste of them is fragrant, sweet.

    Crimson grade with a middle ripening period. Sylopal culture. Sweetish berries, raspberry shada, conical shape and weight of about 5 g. The bushes give up to 4 kg of berries per season.

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