Hatuva at the Corporation Congress awarded the payment for minudging with the price of 40% higher than last year

Hatuva at the Corporation Congress awarded the payment for minudging with the price of 40% higher than last year 23752_1

The XXXII Congress took place in Moscow was reportingly elected. At the suggestion of the oldest leader of the regional organization AKKOR Chechen Republic Lechi Alievich Tataeva, Vladimir Plotnikov was elected President of AKKOR for the fifth time.

During the event, where officials from the top leadership of the country and farmers were attended, issues of exciting agricultural community at the moment were announced.

As the official website of the Akkor writes, this is what agrarians with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

"... prices

At the congress spoke about food pricing. At the boiling prices for products accused the agricultural producers.

However, according to the head of the KFH from the Novgorod region of Ivan Pireyev, it supplies grown, collected, soy, packed carrots in retail networks, even with a glued label, 25-27 rubles per kilogram. And on the counter, it can cost 50 rubles. Check out the trading network is almost 100%, and this is not a farmer doing. At the same time, he assumes the burden on the constant increase in resources costs.

If the pricing is to regulate, delegates are considered, then from all sides. Diesel, gas, minudging, plants protection means - everything is becoming more expensive, and no one controls it. Farmers noted a sharp increase in metal prices, an increase in the size of the disposal collection. All this can lead to an increase in prices for equipment and equipment.

Once again, the question of high electricity tariffs is raised. Unfortunately, despite the repeated orders of President Vladimir Putin, electricity tariffs for farmers today are higher than that of industrial enterprises and continue to grow. Farmers are asked to equate tariffs for small manufacturers to the tariffs of industrial enterprises.

If the cost of resources is not contained, there must be compensating state support. However, subsidies in the amount of 300 rubles per ha, which is not even can get, does not solve problems.

Export duties

The introduction of export duties reduced prices in the grain market - wheat, rapeseed, soy.

Today, the peasant does not understand how this mechanism will work, which will be the costs of the agricultural producer. The delegates of the Congress believe that it is necessary to find the best balance of interests.

On the one hand, it is impossible to allow a sharp increase in the cost of bread and feed, and on the other - it is important to ensure the income of the farmer to conduct extended reproduction.


Given the complex situation with Ammonium Selitra (a special working group on the study of the issue even has been created in the FAS), the 1st deputy minister of agriculture directly at the congress invited to the discussion of the head of the Mineral Fertilizer Association. And asked what prices will be this year?

From the part of the manufacturers, the beliefs of the gathered in the fact that for minudent manufacturers the most important thing is the domestic market, domestic manufacturers. But what will be the prices for our peasants, the head of the Association of Mound Forms did not say.

And the delegate of the Congress, the head of the Omsk region Ivan Bigert brought with him payment documents on payment for mineral fertilizers, where the price has grown compared to the last year by 40%!

Dzhambulat Hizirovich Hatuov promised to take this situation on control and voiced from the stand of the congress that the rise in prices for mineral fertilizers could not be higher than inflation. "

(Source and photo: Official site AKKOR).

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