Merrey Uzerli requested $ 30 thousand - Malakhov revealed guest fees


According to the TV presenter, such money the star of the popular series today is unlikely to pay - the rates have fallen very much, and besides, Meriny was forgotten

Merrey Uzerli requested $ 30 thousand - Malakhov revealed guest fees 23751_1
Andrei Malakhov,

Interesting information was provided by the TV host Andrei Malakhov - he told, for which celebrity agree to take part in a talk show. Discussing the invited stars fees with colleagues and experts on the clubhouse platform, the journalist expressed outrage of the appetites of the Turkish-German actress Merry Primelli. It turns out that Malakhov's participation in the transfer of Malakhov, Krasavitsa Hurrem, through its representatives, suggested paying $ 30 thousand to her. Malakhov believes that the actress is no longer so popular to be flexing the price. In Russian currency, this amount is more than two million rubles at today's course.

Merrey Uzerli requested $ 30 thousand - Malakhov revealed guest fees 23751_2
Merry Uzerli,

According to Andrei Malakhov and his colleagues, the pandemic influenced the size of guest fees who attend various talk shows. So, if a few months ago, the USSR star Actor Emmanuil Vitorgana offered a million 800 thousand for the plot of a newborn baby, now this amount has fallen significantly. As the TELEPROGRAMMA.PRO portal notes, it is even less sugging from the channel to the channel to widow a singer Valentina lightly accessible. Emotional Yachtsman Yuriy Firsov, recently changed the castles in the apartment of the singer and not let anyone there, receives only 200-300 thousand rubles. On modern TV, 500 thousand rubles willingly pay only for very interesting exclusives.

And the daughters of Margarita Simonyan caused delight among the Russians, but the new photo of Buzova without retouching, on the contrary, caused shock at the fans of the singer. Pelageya starred in tiny bikini - subscribed liked. Salma Hayek aroused, Margo Robbie disappointed - what happened on the "Golden Globe".

Meanwhile, Nelly Kobzon was drawn into the conflict of Assumption with her daughter, until the media fisting that Diana Pozhaska was pregnant from Ivan Yankovsky. And the former nanny of the Children of the Babenin of the Rocket commented on the situation in the family. Nicole Kidman hit the face in the theater. Anna Sedokova indignantly left the Transmission Studio Maxim Galkin.

It is rumored that Evgeny Papunaishvili spun a novel with Katya Guseva. And Otar Kusnashvili was shocked by the act of Leonid Agutin, as well as Sergey neighbor, who exposed the "fake wedding" of Jigurda and Anisina. And the husband of a fur driver gave the daughter of Vitaly Solman in debtabal.

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